Chapter 11: The Heroes Strike Back!

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Author's Note: This is an exact retelling of the Kamino Incident arc from the original manga/anime, only with the mention of Y/N from time to time. If you think you can remember that arc well enough, you can skip over this chapter. Also it's pretty boring. And HELLA long. But I had to post it so that the story doesn't have a hole.

3rd Person POV:

All Might, Kamui Woods, and Gran Torino have restrained the League of Villains’; Mr. Compress realizes that U.A.’s press conference was just a diversion so that the League of Villains’ would lower their guard. Edgeshot, who played the role as pizza guy, uses his Foldabody Quirk to slip through the door and unlocks it, allowing some members of the Police Force to move into the room. Edgeshot also comments that the Police Force and other Pro Heroes have surrounded the parameter outside. Endeavor angrily asks why All Might led the raid while he remains outside with the police. Naomasa informs Endeavor that he can stop any villain that tries to escape since he has a wider field of view All Might; Endeavor agrees with Naomasa's analysis.

All Might sees Katsuki and apologizes to him for having been involved in that situation. Katsuki refuses to admit he was afraid. Tomura tells the heroes that they are also not a few in number and orders Kurogiri to warp all the Nomus. However, Kurogiri isn’t able to bring in the Nomus with his Quirk since they are not there, which surprises Tomura. All Might reveals the other Hideout Raid team had already captured the Nomu factory.

Mt. Lady along with Best Jeanist and Gang Orca storm the Nomu factory and quickly subdue all the Nomu using their Quirks, while Tiger rescues Ragdoll.

At the League of Villains’ hideout, All Might declares that it is game over for Tomura and the League of Villains.Tomura refutes All Might’s claim who says that it is the beginning of the League of Villains and they will extinguish the society All Might has created. Tomura orders Kurogiri to create portals so that they can escape, but Edgeshot quickly uses his Foldabody quirk to pierce Kurogiri's body and knock him out from the inside.

Gran Torino reminds the villains to stand down and then reveals each of their identities except for Dabi's. The Police worked diligently to ascertain the identities of each of the villains. Then he asks Tomura the location of All For One. Tomura becomes silent and begins reminiscing his past; he suffered in a terrible incident and no hero came to save him. However, his teacher was the one who saved him. The flashback of his childhood enrages Tomura, causing Tomura to scream out his hatred for All Might.

Suddenly, mysterious black liquid appears out of thin air with Nomus appearing out of the phenomenon which surprises the League of Villains and the Pro Heroes. All Might orders Kamui Woods not to let the villains go. Then, the black liquid spills from Katsuki's mouth and begins to dissolving him. All Might tries to help him, but Katsuki is warping away before All Might can stop it, much to his frustration.

Kamui Woods asks Endeavor for backup and notices the Nomu are attacking the heroes and the Police Force outside as well. The Police shoot while Endeavor uses his fire to keep the Nomu at bay. Naomasa tries to radio Best Jeanist about the Nomu factory, but he doesn't receive a response. Tomura realizes that what is transpiring is the work of his teacher.

A mysterious individual is livid with the Pro Heroes for interfering with his apprentice, Tomura who has started thinking for himself as well as leading others by himself and hopes they no longer bother him.

Izuku and the others are stricken with fear by the terrifying aura that the villain emanates, to the point that they can't help imagining their own deaths. Izuku can't stop thinking like in a matter of seconds, the villain has easily defeated the heroes. Then remember the conversation he had with All Might about the origin of One For All, when he warned him that one day he would have to face the evildoer responsible for its creation. Izuku starts to realize that the man above them is none other than All For One himself.

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