Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Himiko!

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Author's Note: Yay! It's her birthday!
Also, am I the only one who listens to music while writing chapters?

Y/N's POV, after a 2 week timeskip:

It's officially been 2 weeks since me and Nijipai have joined the League of Villains. We've captured Katsuki, lost him to the heroes and tried capturing him again but have failed. We've interacted with other villains and Nijipai suddenly got a salary raise at her job. One week ago, me and Himiko also got some of Izuku's blood after Himiko infiltrated the battlefield multiple hero schools were having,
transformed into a Shiketsu High student, Camie Utsushimi. I got sent with her so I would defend her in case of anyhting. I basically ran there, punched Izuku in the face, then Himiko cut him fast and got a drop of his blood, to use at some point.

But most importatly, we also started some relationships. Nijipai and Dabi have pretty much experienced love at first sight, and I think I can say the same about me and Himiko. Speaking about her, a few days ago someone finally bought Himiko's house. She now lives with us, and sleeps in my room with me. I'm so glad me, Nijipai, Himiko and Dabi renovated Himiko's old house, 'cause it probably wouldn't have sold as fast if we wouldn't.

After 2 weeks of my relationship with Himiko, I think I'm finally comfortable with getting slightly more intimate. And I found the perfect occasion to give her a surprise: Today is her birthday, August 7th. She's now 17! I'll start by bringing her breakfast in bed!

I already got her some presents yesterday, when me and Nijipai went to the mall. We lied to Himiko about it, saying we're just gonna "buy some groceries". I have to give her as amazing of a day as I can, to make up for dissapointing her on our first day together. But it's healthier like this!

I wake up, brush my teeth and change into my usual clothing. I went downstairs and entered the kitchen. I prepared her some rice, a fried egg, a sausage a few strawberries and for a drink a glass of orange juice. I went upstairs into my room and sat on the bed next to her. I was facing her back. I gently shake her arm. She wakes up and looks at me.

-Good morning, birthday girl! I wish you a very happy birthday! - I say sweetly.
-*Yawn* H-huh? Oh, thanks, Y/N! - she says as she stretches.
-Here Himiko, I made you breakfast in bed! - I say as I offer her the tray with goodies.
-Aawww, how sweet of you! Thank you, you truly are an amazing boyfriend. - she says as she takes a bite out of the sausage.
-It's really nothing! You deserve all of it. Besides, this day has just begun, I wanna have you enjoy this day even more than this. - I say.
-Ok. Want a bite? - she asks as she points the sausage towards me.
-No, thanks. I already ate downstairs. Please, enjoy your breakfast. - I say.

She finishes her breakfast and goes to take a shower and brush her teeth. After she finishes her shower I go take a shower too. I go back to my room but Himiko wasn't there. I go downstairs and see Himiko doing the dishes from the breakfast. I run up to her and say:

-Babe, you shouldn't be doing the dishes. This is your special day. Please move, I'll deal with these.
-Ok, my brave dish-doing knight. See you on the couch in the living room! - she exclaims.
-Ok! See you in a few minutes! - I exclaim back.

After doing the dishes, I go to the living room and find Himiko on the couch. I then sit next to Himiko. She pulls me into a hug and says:
-I can't wait to see what else you have prepared for me!
-Hehe, you'll see! - I say as we break the hug.

She caresses my back as I stare at her pretty face.

-I can't wait to make you happy throughout the whole day... - I whisper.
-I'm already happy, being with you! - she says in a sweet tone.
-Aw, come here! - I say as I start tickling her under her armpits.
-Bwahahaha! Stop-haha-stop Y/N, ahahahaha! - she says while laughing hard from the tickles.

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