Chapter 6: First Day, First Date

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Author Note: I will be talking about food quite a bit during this chapter. No, I am not very hungry while writing this chapter. No, I am not some food-passionated gourmand. I just like being very specific about small elements of the story too, so that the reader can have a clear idea of the specifics.

Y/N's POV:

The waiter arrives with two menus, one for me and one for Himiko. We look through it and try to decide what we should order.

-Himiko, can I please order something for you? Like, you not finding out what I ordered until the food arrives. Give you a surpise? - I ask.
-Hmmmm... Sure, Y/N. Get me whatever, I'll eat anything at this point. I'm starving!

"This girl is obsessed with blood, so how about I order her something that's mostly red." - I think to myself, highlighting her preferences.

-Ok, can you tell me if you're on some kind of diet or are allergic to something? - I ask her curiously.
-No, I can eat anything. - she says. -Remember, I'm the girl who drinks blood often. - she whispers following the last sentence.
-Yeah... - I answer.

I look through the menu and find out that this restaurant is a weird combination between italian, american and japanese cuisine. It doesn't really have much in common. It also had some other stuff that I guess people ate all around the world. But I decide to go for a cheeseburger with fries and a bowl of cucumber and tomato salad. I decide to get Himiko a medium rare steak that was basically 50% red with some fancy toppings and a bowl of beet salad. I also got her a little free sample of pasta with bolognese sauce, since it fit the overall red aesthetic and she said she was SO hungry. Plus, it didn't cost anything. For desserts I decided (this time along with Himiko) that we will share a cherry cheesecake and pancakes with strawberry syrup. For the drinks I got myself a Sprite and Himiko a pink lemonade with extra red coloring. This might seem like a lot of food for just 2 people, but remember we didn't eat anything since morning and we had a LOOOONG day. Also, the quantities for each food were pretty small.

-Waiter! Waiter! - I yell.

The waiter comes and I write him what he should bring us, so that I don't ruin Himiko's surprise by saying it out loud.

-Sooo, why didn't you eat anything for breakfast? Weren't you home this morning? - I ask Himiko.
-I... didn't have time. I spent all my time getting ready. I wanted to look as good as possible, for you! - she responds.
-Aaawww, I appreciate your effort and the fact that you starved yourself this morning just for me. But... I've told you already, you don't need some crazy revealing outfit or a stylish hairstyle, in my opinion you're the most beautiful-looking girl no matter what. - I remind her.

She blushes and gets up from the chair.

-Let's go wash our hands, shall we? - she asks.
-Oh yeah, forgot about that. - I answer.

We go to the restroom and on the way there we felt the need to use the toilets. We finished our "toilet duties" and went to wash our hands. While washing our hands, Himiko leans towards me and whispers:

-I love you so so much already Y/N. I can't wait to see what you ordered me.

I blushed pretty badly after hearing all this but I also felt very proud and confident to hear that she loved me so much.

We go back to our table and stare into eachother's eyes until the waiter comes with our food. Himiko covers her eyes and opens them when I assure her the waiter has brought everything.

-Open your eyes! - I exclaim.

She opens her eyes and starts telling me about the fact that my choices were good before being interrupted.

The Prettiest Psycho (Himiko Toga x Male!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now