You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 2

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Chapter 2

‘Sorry 4 ditchin u yesterday, meet up in park 2day? Bree xoxo’

I looked at the message through my bleary eyes, the light blinding me. Sun was pouring through the windows of my room, warming the toes that were currently hanging out of my bed.

I sat up. Head spin. I lay back down again, sighing because I needed to reply to Bree, but couldn’t think of what to write. I glanced at the clock, 11.45am. This sucked.

I walked over to the door, almost tripping over Elliot, my fluffy Bichon Frise. I usually mistook him for a white rug.

“Sorry Elliot!” I said, bending down to pat his fluffy fur. He licked my hand appreciatively.

My mind was still wandering idly when I bumped into my brother, Ethan, on the way to breakfast. “Tabby! Mummy was looking for you, she says somebody wanted to speak to you!” he exclaimed, gazing up at me with his bright green eyes.

“Ummm, ok?” I said eyeing him suspiciously “who was it calling?”

“ It began with B” he said, skipping down the stairs.

I gulped, great, I was going to have to think up a reply to that text, and fast. Bree was already calling my house phone.

I sighed, again.

I already hated Sundays in general, but this one was going to be by far the worst, and I’d only just got up.


“Look, I’m so sorry for ditching you, again. It was gay and stupid, and you’re right, Jake is a total prat. Did you know he smokes now?” Bree’s rush of words caught me by surprise; she wasn’t really what you’d call an apologetic person.

I shrugged “S’kay.” I was lying of course, it was far from OK.

She hugged me tightly “I knew you’d forgive me.”

“So, what’s Jake smoking? Don’t tell me, wacky backy?” I said, swiftly changing the subject back.

Bree nodded solemnly “I think, I knew he’d get into it. It’s Calvin, he get’s it from his brother’s mate.”

“I told you Bree, he’s not good for you. AT ALL. He’s a bloody pot-head.”

Elliot was tugging on his lead, he could tell I was getting annoyed with my best friend.

“Tabby, I told you, I’m not ever going to smoke. I’m not allowed and anyway it would ruin my braces wouldn’t it?” Bree looked at me, willing me to believe her.

I sighed; I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. I wanted to believe her, badly, but I just couldn’t, not until Jake was gone. For good.

“How about we go shopping? I need to get my mum a Christmas present.” suggested Bree.

I laughed “Bree, Christmas is four months away, we’ve only just gone back to school!”

“So? I’ll forget otherwise, and mum will be too preoccupied to take me herself won’t she? I also need to go to the florist for her, y’know, flowers, for dad.” she said quietly.

I hugged her. It must be so tough for her, even after all this time.

Bree’s dad died from cancer two years ago. The truth was, Bree had never got over him, that’s the reason she turned to Jake in the first place, for comfort. Trouble was, he was dead to her now too, and she hadn’t got over him either.

I took her hand. “Elliot, here boy!” I called to my dog.

I hooked him up to his lead and we walked out of the park, a few tears escaping Bree’s eyes as we went.

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