You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 8

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Just want to dedicate this chapter to everyone who has supported my writing, but especially NalaSonya, or Kala as I know her best, as it's her birthday today! Happy 14th Birthday Kala, enjoy the chapter! <3 :P

Chapter 8

If I bit my thumb anymore, it’d bleed.

I was pacing up and down my room, waiting for Jake and Paloma to arrive. They were late. 10 minutes to be precise.

I hated waiting, I needed to tell them what I’d seen, and I had to tell them what Bree had got herself into with Calvin and those other losers.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself, steady my pulse. I was on the verge of a breakdown, close to the edge.

One more push and I was gone.

I was close to tears, I need Paloma here to comfort me, Jake to hug me and say it’ll all be fine and that Bree was just going through a faze and needed her eyes testing.

I gulped. What if it wasn’t just a faze? What if she wanted Calvin to hang around with us all the time?

I was literally shaking with fear, the fear that I’d never get Bree back.

I had to sit down.

I pulled out my desk chair, I never realised how exhausted I was. Worrying was extremely tiring.

I looked up at my notice board, sighing. I had maths on Monday. My timetable only took up a corner of it thankfully, so there was more room for my memories on it and the surrounding wall.

Hundreds of pictures took up the right wall from my bed. Pictures of me with mum and dad on holiday in Spain. Pictures of mum when she was pregnant with the twins. Pictures of me from five years old, ranging all the way up to the age I was now, fifteen. Pictures of last summer, the one I found in my jacket pocket, ones of us with our little plaits and bowl cuts. My birthdays, when I lost my first tooth, Bree when she got her braces, Jake’s new goldfish, when Elliot was a puppy, Ethan and Zach’s first birthday, every summer I can remember, Paloma wearing a banana outfit for the sponsored walk last year, me and Paloma from this summer in our spotted bikinis we gave to Jake as a sort of ‘souvenir’, he like them so much. There were ones of me and Bree rollerblading, me and my brothers in California last year and in Florida with the dolphins the year before. My parents had pooled together all their savings to give us kids a holiday we’d never forget. I smiled. They were so good to us. There were pictures of Christmas parties; us all dressed as elves, Easter bunnies at Easter, pumpkins at Halloween and every other fancy dress do we’d been to. There seemed to be a lot of photos of me and Jake at the skate park too. Jake being the pro skater he was, did all his jumps and tricks for the camera, whereas I wore my helmet and extremely ‘sexy’ shin pads. Paloma and Bree took the pictures, they loved using Jake’s mum’s camera, and it was amazing quality because she loved doing photography in her spare time. There were ones in the snow, a rarity here, ones from firework and bonfire nights, barbeques, weddings, everything we’d ever been to, as family or as best friends. There were so may others, too many to talk about in fact. Every important thing that had ever happened to me was stuck, hung or pinned to this wall.

I ran my hands over the pictures, grinning at them. They made me feel there was a possibility all this really was just a blip, a rough patch in the friendship. I wanted Bree back, back to take more photos of the future memories we would share.

I sighed deeply and looked at my clock, it was almost 4.45, and they should have been here fifteen minutes ago.

Just when I had given up hope, the doorbell rang. I had to get it, dad wasn’t here, mum was working in the study in the attic and the boys were playing cowboys in the conservatory.

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