You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 12

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Hi guys, a short chapter, but it's kinda split into two. Hope you enjoy. If you like this, you can also check out the little short story I whipped up a few weeks ago. Please comment/vote/fan if you want to keep up to date and enjoy the story :D


Chapter 12

“Happy Birthday Tabby! Guess who!” said a male voice, covering my eyes and making it dark.

“Oh, I don’t know? Jesus?” I answered sarcastically.

He made a noise to signify I’d got it wrong. “Nope, it’s your totally, awesome, totally amazing, totally handsome best bud JAAAKEEE!” he cried, taking his hands away from my eyes.

I turned to him and grinned, Paloma was there too. Yet again, Bree was absent.

“So you’re finally sixteen, wow, you’re making me feeling old.” he winked.

“Haha, just because you’re almost seventeen and you’re barely out of year eleven!” I said. He laughed again and put his arm round my shoulders. It felt so natural.

Ugh, god, actually shut up Tabby, I thought.

“Who cares? I’m just excited she’s finally hit her birthday!” Paloma said, handing me a card. “I won’t give you your present until tonight though, when you’re properly legal and shizz.” she winked again, her gaze hitting Jake like a bullet.

I kicked her behind the knees.

Jake laughed. “Is that all you think about?!” he asked.

Paloma nodded “Pretty much, ya.”

“Anyway guys.” I said, trying quite hard to change the subject swiftly. “Heard from Bree lately?” I didn’t want to think about how she’d been distancing herself again from us, but I had to get it out of my system.

“No, she doesn’t call me, does she?” Paloma said.

Jake shook his head. “Don’t worry; I’m sure she’ll turn up. Anyway, your birthday present, I’m giving it to you tonight, ok? It’s a job in progress.” he smiled.

I smiled back, looking like a complete and utter doofus.

Paloma coughed to break me out of my temporary trance. I shook my head to clear it of clouds and fluffy wisps of nothing.

“Yeah, so tonight.” Paloma started, rolling her eyes at my silly behaviour. “It’s at Aimee’s house, remember?” she asked.

“Of course I remember! It’s my party location, duh!” I said as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well that’s good, considering there are at least a hundred and one other things on your mind right now.” Paloma added, tittering at the fact my thoughts were totally consumed with Bree, but more about Jake.

I coughed awkwardly. “Yeah, well, I’m gonna forget about that stuff today, yeah? It’s my birthday and I am going to enjoy myself!” I said defiantly, sticking my hand into the air while getting funny looks from passers by.

Jake laughed and Paloma smiled wickedly. “Yeah, but I know the one thing that won’t leave your mind today.” she said, her eyes aiming directly at Jake.


The day passed by fairly normally, apart from the fact that everyone was stopping me in the corridor to wish me a happy birthday. Some of them were invited to my party, mainly because I knew them, but some I had never even spoken to in my life, and they seemed to know my birthday.

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