You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 27

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Hey! Sorry for the wait, but a few things held me up in posting this chapter, including writer’s block, my birthday and practicing my bass.

Anyyywaaayyyyy…I had to do a bit of research for this chapter, due to the content, so I wanted to make it as realistic and believable as possible.

I hope you guys think it’s realistic enough and WELL worth the wait, so enjoy the chapter!

Much Love! xo


Chapter 27

I woke with a start. There was rain beating the windows this dreary Wednesday morning. I groaned and stretched. I had an uneasy feeling, a feeling that something bad was going to happen today.

I dressed in a daze and packed my books with a sigh. As I carried my school bag down the stairs I tripped over Elliot who gave a yelp.

“Stupid creature.” I muttered, but quickly apologised anyway and carried him downstairs in my bag, his favourite past time.

“Tabby, take the dog out of the bag!” my mother said, in between buttering toast and trying to stop Ethan spilling milk over the counter.

I rolled my eyes, but took him out anyway. I didn’t like mornings, and as I passed the calendar reading December 6th, I had that uneasy feeling in my stomach again.

“You okay Tabby?” my mum asked, rubbing my shoulder as she passed to fill the boys’ lunches.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just tired.” I lied.

She didn’t look convinced, but shrugged.

I got up and took a look at my advent calendar, five doors were un-opened, and I rubbed my eyes and sighed again.

“Tabby, honestly, stop worrying your little head, Paloma and you told Mrs Turner everything you needed to, so stop fretting.” My mum said sternly, handing me a plate of toast.

I pushed it away, “I’m not really hungry.” I mumbled.

“Tabby, you are not leaving this table until you’ve eaten something.”

I couldn’t argue with my mum, it was too early in the morning.


Not surprisingly, Bree was again absent from school. I sat alone on the bus as I had done for the past couple of months. It seemed strange how much Bree had changed since September. A voice at the back of my head screamed ‘because of her drug taking!’ but I tried to ignore it.

I walked off the bus in an unhappy sort of trudge, annoyed at how Bree wouldn’t even tell her mum her problems, let alone me, her best friend.

I rubbed my eyes, deciding on what to do as Paloma wasn’t here, so I decided to head to the library and do some research.

The library was a small and dusty place, full of surprisingly modern books and twenty three computers. I sat down at one; nearly all of them were free, apart from one where some boy sat with his back to me.

I logged on, typing in my password self consciously, but no one was looking at me, and the boy had some headphones in anyway.

I never set foot in the library usually, so this was kind of a novelty for me.

I opened up the search engine straight away and searched ‘Talk to Frank’. I let my cursor hover over the search button for a while, deciding if I really wanted to search this. I sighed heavily and did so anyway.

You, Me & 'Charlie'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora