You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 9

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but it's been a bit hectic! Here's the chapter (finally!) and I hope you enjoy. :)

Chapter 9

I had Pendulum playing full blast into my ears, so I didn’t hear the girl ask if the seat next to me was taken.

It was a wet and dreary Monday morning, not the best time to talk to me. I was looking forward to seeing Paloma and of course Jake today. We needed to put the plan into action and get hold of Bree to tell her that I’d seen her and Calvin playing tonsil tennis together last Friday.

I was looking down, and I noticed her canvas shoes, faded black with a patched up toe.

I snapped my head up. She smiled at me, the blonde hair looking more neat and tidy than it had been when I’d last seen her.

It was Bree.

“Tabby! I haven’t seen you for years! Budge up!” she said, taking her bag off her shoulder and preparing to sit down.

I sighed and moved my stuff onto my lap. I still wasn’t in the right enough mood to be pleased to see her.

Thankfully, she wasn’t the last standing up; there were still a few Year 9 kids down the front trying to fix the radio for the driver.

“So.” said Bree, grinning at me like she’d only been gone a day, not two weeks.

I was still listening to Pendulum full blast in my ears, giving me an excuse not to answer her.

“OUCH!” I cried, as my earphones were tugged with brute force from my ears.

“What the hell?!” I fumed at Bree, yanking the phones from the jack in my iPod and stuffing them into my bag.

“You shouldn’t play your music so loud you know. You could go deaf.” laughed Bree, clearly amused by my bad mood.

“Shut up.” I said, frowning deeply at the trees outside.

“Yeah nice to see you too Tabby. Didn’t you miss me or anything? Or is it just that Monday Morning feeling?”

“I don’t appreciate you disappearing for two weeks with no contact whatsoever then skipping onto the bus this morning acting like everything’s bright and happy.” I said acidly. My tongue was like a sharp knife, ready to poke her eyes out.

“Look Tabby, I can explain.”

“Yeah? Go on then. You always were good at story telling.”

Bree rolled her eyes. “I was bed ridden Tabs! I was going to call you, but you know what mum’s like about germs and stuff. I got your message though. And I was going to call you Friday, but I kinda got caught up.” she went a slight pink at this, her cheeks burning.

Breathe Tabby, I muttered. I just couldn’t believe her; she was lying through her braces, yet again.

Would this be the best time to say that she was in fact caught up with Calvin on Friday?

I already knew the answer.


I coughed.

I sighed again “Don’t worry. It just would have been nice if you’d texted or something instead of leaving me hanging for a fortnight.”

Ugh, this lying business was catching, fast.

Bree grinned “I knew you’d understand.” She put her arms around me for a proper hug. “I really missed you y’know.” she said, slightly muffled as she buried her face into my shoulder.

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