You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I tapped nervously on the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I stared idly at the calendar. It was the November 14. I tried to take my mind off things by thinking about Christmas. It was only a few weeks away, and I still hadn’t done my shopping. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Everything was a mess.

I was currently waiting for mum to get back from her dance class. Dad was working late; the boys were at swim lessons. I was alone in the house. I could have got Jake or Paloma around here, but I didn’t feel like seeing anyone at the moment, I was too full of nerves.

Why? I’d finally decided to talk to my mum about Bree and share what we were all thinking.

I had only decided on a whim tonight. I had so many things on my mind, and I was supposedly going on a double date next week with Max and Paloma. It had finally been decided. Jeez, I was dying inside. I was glad we didn’t have any tests until next year, though I had a pile of coursework to do and some revision.

“Hey Tabby, I’m back!” a voice called. I heard the front door shut and the boys run excitedly into the living room

“Hi mum.” I said weakly.

She smiled, but I could see the worry in her eyes.

“How was school? I’m surprised Jake isn’t here!” she said, hanging her gym bag on the back of one of the dining room chairs.

“Hrrrrmmm. No, I kinda had to talk to you actually.” I mumbled.

“Oh. Right.” My mum answered in a surprised tone. I never usually talked to my mum. I was very quiet like Zach, and didn’t like speaking to my mum about my problems or other people’s in this case.

I gulped.

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” mum asked, putting some milk in a mug and putting it in the microwave. She was going to coax it out of me with hot chocolate and biscuits; she used to do that when I was little.

I clammed up.

I’d planned this talk out with my mum for the whole week while trying to keep a brave face in front of Jake and Paloma, but when it got to actually talking about it, I wouldn’t utter a word.

“Come on Tabby! Is it boy trouble? Because if it is, I’ll…”

“No mum, it’s nothing to do with Jake. Well, it sorta was, at the beginning.” I stared at my hands. I could feel my cheeks going pink.

“Well what do you mean?” mum asked, opening the cupboard and getting the chocolate digestives. She placed them on a plate in front of me. She took my chin and tipped it up. “Come on Tabby, tell me?”

I took a biscuit and started nibbling. I sighed. “Ok.” I gave in.

She smiled and took a seat opposite me. She helped herself to a biscuit too and sat listening attentively to my story. I told her the whole thing, from our suspicions of Bree meeting with Jake, right up to Monday, when Bree snuck off to probably go and see Calvin again.

Mum nodded every so often, and I took a quick breather in the middle so she could get up and make my hot chocolate.

“So that’s it. I’m just so worried mum. What if Bree dies from this? What if she lied to us?”

Mum took another biscuit and chewed thoughtfully. “Well, you have to be sure you have your facts right first Tabby. But it sure doesn’t look good.” mum said truthfully.

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