You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 14

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't uploaded for a while, been my birthday, been to A&E on my birthday (don't ask)....but here's the chapter! I hope you enjoy, and if you want more then vote and fan :) Thanks for the support!x

Also I may have only dedicated this to 1 person, but really it's for all my friends who have helped me out while being a cripple (;

You know what I mean and you know who you are <3


Chapter 14

The party ran smoothly after that. I felt a little high for the remainder of the party. I hung out with Jake most of the time. The girls could tell something had happened, but it just wasn’t the place to talk about something like that.

The party went on for what seemed like hours, though Ri came and picked us up at 2. Everyone had literally gone by then; I said a last goodbye to Lilly, George and Bree who only had to walk a few streets to get back.

“You’ve got a cute guy there Tabby, and he sings! Keep hold of him.” Lilly whispered as she hugged me.

I giggled “I’ll try!” I whispered back..

“Bree, I’m so glad you made it!” I exclaimed, giving her an extra big hug.

“Of course I’d make it silly! I loved it! Call me with more news.” she whispered the last part. She’d obviously latched on to what was happening.

I laughed “Of course.”

George said one last happy birthday and escorted Lilly and Bree back to Lilly’s place. I waved at them until they’d disappeared down the lane.

I yawned widely, yearning for my bed. “Keeping you up are we?” Ri said from what felt like no where.

I laughed “No, the party has though!” I answered.

“Did you have a good time?” Ri asked, taking my bag of heels.

“It was amazing!” I said, remembering the amazing things that had happened tonight.

“Awesome. Well, we better get you home then. You look like you’ll pass out any minute.” Ri said opening the boot.

I took one last yawn and got into the car, clutching Jake’s present to my chest. It had gotten pretty cold, and I had Jake’s jumper on under my coat. Matt had to put his bass in the back and Jake his guitar. Max and Jack were getting a lift with Jack’s mum. She turned up a few minutes later. I decided to go out and thank them. I told them they’d been amazing tonight and that I’d definitely come to their next gig. They were glad I’d enjoyed it and said they could get me in for free, mates rates. Mrs Martin said happy birthday to me too before they drove away.

I got back into the car and waited as everything was loaded up. I was half napping as everyone finally got into the car after Ri had locked the place up. I opened my eyes to see who was sitting where. Jake was next to me in the middle and Matt took the right seat behind Ri. Paloma was in the front. When Jake sat down, I instantly warmed up. The new warm feeling made me feel even sleepier too.

“Guys, you have to be quiet, Tabby’s sleeping.” Jake whispered.

Everyone spoke in hushed tones after that, remembering the party and Jake telling Ri how much I’d enjoyed the song. I felt myself smile a little. I couldn’t really remember anything after that.


“Tabby.” someone whispered in my ear around fifteen minutes later.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to find myself staring up at Jake in the dark. I must have fallen asleep on his lap.

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