You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 25

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Hey, sorry this took so long to upload, but I’ve been crazy busy these past few weeks and suffering from writer’s block -.-

Anyways, it’s up now, so I hope you enjoy! I’ll try and be more regular with uploads now, as it’s near the end of the book


 Chapter 25

 “YOU!” somebody shouted to me through the crowd of teens.

I turned around slowly, expecting the worse. Paloma was walking towards me, surprisingly, hand in hand with Max.

I smiled to myself; I was great at matchmaking, right?

“Nice to see you too.” I grinned.

“Why didn’t you wait for me after class?” she frowned.

“I figured you had more important things to do.” I said, giving her a knowing smile.

She went red. “Well, ok then. I just wanted to say thanks.” she mumbled.

“Thanks? For what? He was the one that wanted to find you. He volunteered himself. I just led him to your hiding place.” I said.

“Really?” she looked at Max in awe. He grinned at her. She went even redder.

“Well, um, yeah. So, you coming on my bus tonight or what? Where’s Bree?” she asked, swiftly changing the awkward subject.

“I saw her, but she was on the phone. Go figure.” I replied, frowning at the memory of her ignoring me like that.

“Oh, right. I take it she’s still off with that Calvin.”

“Yeah, we need to talk to Bree’s mum urgently. You still up for tomorrow?” I gave her an unsure look.

“Of course. I wasn’t planning on doing anything else.” she said, giving my look a confused one.

I breathed out in relief that I didn’t have to go on my own.

“So, are you coming on my bus today?” Paloma asked me as I searched the crowds for any sign of Jake. 

I nodded “Sure. I need to do something anyway.” I replied.

She gave me another confused look, and then shrugged. “Cool. I’ll see you on there then. I’m guessing you’re waiting for him.” She didn’t ask, she stated.

“Yeah. Catch you two in a bit.” I said. They headed for the bus.

I had to wait a fairly long time for Jake, all the crowds of kids had dispersed and there were only a few huddled groups of sixth formers left.

Good thing the buses didn’t leave until 3.25, I thought to myself as I checked the time. It was only 3.17 thankfully.

Jake came over soon after I’d checked the time.

“Sorry I’m late.” He grinned “I was with Matt down at music.”

“S’ok. I don’t mind. You need to do something important now.” I said as he took my hand.

Confusion flitted across his features, then realisation. “Oh, yeah.” He went slightly pink at the memory of him winding Paloma up.

I laughed at how silent he had suddenly become. “Look, come on. We better get this over with then.” I smiled at him, dragging him to the bus where Paloma would be waiting.

I hadn’t seen Bree since the incident at lunch, and I had a niggling in the back of my head that it was probably something to do with Calvin.

I brushed it off momentarily.

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