You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“See you later Tabby!” Jake called as me and Paloma walked off the bus.

I turned and waved back.

We got off the bus and walked down the path to my house. Paloma was over this afternoon, helping me get ready for my party.

I opened the door to two squealing little boys. “Tabby!” they cried in unison, grabbing me on the waist for a hug.

“Hi!” I grinned, hugging Zach and Ethan back.

“Hi boys.” Paloma greeted them. They went to hug Paloma too.

My dad come out, wiping a plate. He’d obviously been washing up before all the commotion started.

“Hi birthday girl! Hey Paloma. How was your day?”

“Great dad.” I grinned.

“Excellent. I take it you girls will be getting ready. Dinner will be done soon. Come on boys; let’s leave the girls in peace.” My dad and the twins went out toward the kitchen again.

We dumped our bags and headed upstairs. Paloma was carrying a Topshop bag. She’d told me not to look in it at all, or she’d burn the contents and I would have to go naked to my do. She wanted it to be a surprise.

We entered my room. I smiled at the pictures on my wall. It was weird how the first one my eyes came to was of Jake in his swimming trunks. Ugh.

“Have you got your shoes?” Paloma asked, dumping her jacket on the floor.

I rolled my eyes “Of course, I got sparkly silver, like you instructed. I love them.” I grinned, reaching onto my desk chair and lifting the shoes carefully out of the box.

“I love them too.” Paloma said grinning back at me.

I slipped off my pumps and put on the heels. I tottered around in them, growing about five inches instantly.

“Watch out Tabby! If you trip, we won’t be going to your party, but making a trip to A&E tonight.” Paloma said, eyeing my wobbly legs.

“Yeah, it’s just I’m really nervous. I’ve tried them out every day this week and walked in them fine. But now it’s the day…” I trailed off. talking about it was making me feel giddy.

“Don’t worry! It’s your birthday! You’ll be fine when we get there!”

I smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just a worrier.” I said, taking the heels off before I keeled over.

“Now for the important part.” Paloma announced “Drum roll please!”

I did a make shift drum roll on my laminate floor.

“Tah Dah!” Paloma announced, whipping a shimmering green dress from the bag and laying it neatly on my rug.

“Woah.” I breathed.

It was short, very short. And it looked quite a few sizes too small for me. I guessed that meant it would be tight. I grinned. I ran my fingers over the glittery parts, it sparkled as I did so in the sunlight pouring through the window.

“You like?” Paloma asked expectantly.

“Like?!” I exclaimed “I love!”

Paloma hugged me. “I knew you would! Well, Jake did. He bought it for you. He gave me the picture for the plan so you would have something to look at. I didn’t see the dress until yesterday.” Paloma admitted.

“Seriously?” I asked, pulling away and giving her a wide eyed stare.

She nodded and then grinned wickedly. “He has the hots for you.” she winked.

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