You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I yawned and stretched on the sofa. It was Friday night, and I must have fallen asleep during Family Guy. I sat up. Elliot was no longer on my lap; he’d probably gone up to his basket in my room.

I patted my jeans for my phone. Not being able to find it woke me up slightly. I got up and scrambled around for it. Then I remembered it was on my bedside table. I sighed and turned the TV off.

Heading up the stairs I yawned again. It had been a slow night, and I wondered how Paloma had got on with her date.

I walked into my room and changed in a trance into my pyjamas. I flicked the lamp on and jumped into bed. I took my phone from the table and my eyes widened.

23 missed calls. Woops. Paloma must’ve been really excited to tell me her news. I rolled my eyes and sent a quick text.

‘Sleeping, tell me later.x’

I sent it, turned the lamp off and drifted off the sleep. I hoped her news could wait until Monday, because I’d had enough of her swooning over Max for one week!


My weekend passed by fairly quietly. I went to a fireworks do on the Saturday, met Jake on Sunday. The twins and Elliot came too, thankfully Jake didn’t mind. He liked my brothers. And my dog. It felt weird being the only woman there.

Monday was back around faster than anything. I hoped Paloma had somehow read my mind when I wanted her to tell me about her date on Monday.

I walked onto the bus, readying myself for the explosion of Max related tattle all week.

Bree walked on, a zombie, if I were to be brutally honest. She said she still felt rubbish, and half dead too. I sympathised and talked with her about the weekend and asked her about Christmas. Sure it was 6 weeks away, but you had to have this stuff organised in time, because school would be all cards and messing around with paper chains and tinsel in class.

Bree seemed to perk up when we talked about that, and then we both moved onto Paloma and Max. We were both equally dreading what she’d hit us with when we stepped off the bus.

And that time had finally come. We walked off last, readying ourselves for it. I gulped. There she was lounging on the fence post, texting.

She looked up, a grin spreading across her face.

“GUYS!” she screeched, earning a few looks. She glared, and they walked swiftly on.

“Hey.” we said, as we were half choked to death.

“OH MY GOD. Thank goodness you’re here. I really wanted to call you, but I was kinda busy all weekend. Did I wake you Friday Tabby?” Paloma asked.

I shook my head. “Not really. I just thought it had to be an emergency, considering how many times you tried to call in the space of an hour.”

She gave me a sheepish grin. “Sorry Tabby. I just got over excited.” she mumbled.

“Wow, you excited over a boy? That’s a first.” I replied.

“Oh shut up Tabby, do you want to know what happened or what?”

“Go on then. Wait. Can we do this later?”

She sighed over dramatically. “Fine, but why?”

“Because I’ve kinda enjoyed not having to talk about Max for 48 hours.” I grinned at her.

I got a slap on the arm for that remark. Bree seemed to think it was funny though.


“Well, he took me to the cinema, and he bought me popcorn and stuff.” Paloma started.

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