You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My palms were sweaty, my pulse was racing.

Paloma took my hand in hers. “No sweat Tabby. We’ve like, met him before!” she laughed, though there was a hint of nervousness contained within it.

I laughed nervously, hoping I wouldn’t throw up.

“Tabs, you’ve met him already this week, why the nervous face?” Paloma stopped abruptly to examine my facial expression.

I swallowed “Yeah, but now you’re here, you could say something and freak him out.” I giggled. Paloma laughed with me.

“Haha, Paloma, big gob extraordinaire. That’s me.” she winked.

We were quiet again then. I didn’t like the silence. Talking helped me forget where we were heading this Wednesday afternoon. Paloma was right, I shouldn’t be nervous, but seeing Jake again made me feel giddy. I could feel my palm getting even sweatier in Paloma’s, so I let go quickly, wiping perspiration all down my jacket.

I gulped, hard. Actually, a little too hard. So hard I started choking and Paloma had to slap me on the back. I sighed. I hadn’t sighed for a while.

The park was edging ever closer, I wish I’d brought Elliot; he would have calmed my nerves a little.

As we neared the gates, I could just make out a boy sitting on the farthest park bench. He was clutching what looked like a skateboard under his left arm. I smiled instantly; it was Jake alright, though he’d changed his hair.

I took Paloma’s hand this time, I felt confident now.

We walked into the park. I could feel Paloma was ever so slightly hesitant to go up to Jake, but I was coaxing her firmly by the hand.

As we approached, he looked up. I knew then what had changed about his hair. The blonde streak was gone. I was glad, it made him look emoish.

He smiled at us, a smile that made my palms sweat again. I quickly took my hand away from Paloma's so she wouldn’t catch on to what I was feeling right then about our best friend.

“Tabby!” Jake jumped up and hugged me tightly, as if we hadn’t seen each other for years.

He was warm, and smelt like Lynx chocolate. I buried my head into his shoulder. I hadn’t realised how much I’d actually missed him.

Paloma coughed awkwardly behind us. Jake looked at her sheepishly. “Look Paloma I…”

“Save it. I’ve heard.” Paloma said defiantly. She started to smile “I missed you too.” She ran up and hugged him as well.

God know what we must have looked like then, three teenagers hugging in the park like sad losers. But to be honest, I couldn’t care less. We were all back together again. Bree would be so happy to find out our friendship had rekindled while she was away.

“You changed your hair.” said Paloma when we broke out of the hug unwillingly.

“Yeah, fancied something different.” Jake looked across to me and smiled.

I could feel myself going hot so pulled my eyes away from his quickly.

“And god, you’ve gotten tall, you don’t resemble a whippet crossed with a bean pole anymore! Excellent!” added Paloma, nudging Jake playfully in the ribs.

“Haha, very funny. I went to the gym a couple of times I guess, but no, I just kinda, filled out.”

Paloma looked really impressed “Tabby was telling the truth then.” she gave me a cheeky sideways glance.

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