You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The phone was ringing, I tried to drown it out, but it had woken me from my slumber.

Saturday, a week ago me and Bree had fallen out. Almost a week ago we’d made up. And almost a week I hadn’t seen or heard from her.

Elliot yawned loudly; obviously he had been woken too. He got up and headed for the door, wanting to get out.

“Ok, ok.” I sighed, heaving my self out of my bed. I opened the door and he ran out, heading for the bacon I could smell cooking now.

I rubbed my eyes, yawning loudly. I looked back at my clock on my bedside table, 10.30. Wow. I seemed to sleep all the time nowadays. I remember when I was about six and always used to get up at eight every morning.

I unhooked my SuperDry jacket from behind my door and shrugged it on. Laminate flooring sucked; it was so cold in the mornings. My eyes filled with sleep, I staggered downstairs. “I guess I’ll get this then!” I shouted sarcastically to no one in particular.

I picked up the receiver, “y’ello?” I said, wondering who on earth it could be calling.

“Tabitha? Hey long time no speak.”

My heart skipped a beat, gulp, it was Jake. The idiot. The idiot who used to be my best friend, my kind of cute in a funny sort of way best friend.

I could hear the smile in his voice “Tabby? You there?”


My god, what the hell was I doing? Stuttering like an idiot?

“Good, I need to speak to you.”

Oh no! Please no! Kill me now!

“Really? I think you’re talking to the wrong person. Try calling Frank.” I hinted heavily on the last word in particular.

“Oh, so Bree spun you that story too eh?” asked Jake, sounding calm, almost like he was laughing slightly.

“Yeah she did, you skanky pot-head.” I growled quietly, so no one could pick up the gist of the conversation.

“Pot? Are you having a laugh? I don’t even smoke!” said Jake, shock evident in his voice.

“Bree told me though…” I started, wishing I’d just shut up and listen.

“Bree lied you mean. I smoked that cigarette once, got a hacking cough afterwards. Mum went spare when she found out.” he chuckled.

I couldn’t help smiling too, his laugh was infectious. I had got him so wrong. “The gang though?” I asked, my smile fading instantly as I remembered what Bree had said.

“Yeah, it’s ridiculous. I don’t like it Tabby, not my thing. All they do is drink and smoke pot all the time. I’m just there ‘cos I was pressured to. Or should I say was.” he was hinting heavily.

“You-you left?” I asked, feeling foolish because I already knew the answer.

“Yeah, because I wanted you guys back.”

That caught me off guard. He actually wanted us back? After everything we’d said about and to him?

I smiled “Jake, I’ve been waiting for you to say that for forever.” I couldn’t contain my excitement, I had to tell someone.

He chuckled again. “Wow, I feel loved.”

“Because you are right? But Paloma will need some persuading.”

“Yeah, hadn’t thought about that.” I could tell he was thinking. “The reason I called was to tell you that and to ask you something.” he said, sounding quite serious now.

“Fire away.” I said nervously twiddling my jacket sleeve.

“Have you heard from Bree this week? It’s just that you’re the only one I know who has her number. Is she alright?”

I knew he’d ask that. “No, I rang but her mum was pretty abrupt. Flu apparently.” I answered.

“Hmmm, likely story.” he replied. “Thanks for telling me though Tabs, I appreciate being in the know.” he added.

“Anytime.” I smiled to myself.

“Well, I guess I’ll say goodbye then, I need to go, band practise.” he said.

“Ok, have fun then. See you tomorrow.” I said.

“Yeah, tomorrow for sure, catch up?”

“Sounds like a date.” My heart raced as I said this.

“Later Tabby!” We both hung up.

I smiled stupidly to myself. My best friend, who I used to fantasise about, secretly of course, was finally back in my life. For good.

I walked in a trance to the kitchen, the grin still stuck on my face. I shook myself back. I stuck my hands into my pockets. I’d noticed they’d lost a lot of heat while I was holding the phone to my ear.

I was surprised to find my fingers closing around a piece of, what I thought was, crumpled paper. I took it out and examined it. There was a Kodak logo on the back. A photo?

Feeling ever so slightly confused, I uncrumpled it. It was a photo, obviously, of me, Bree, Paloma and Jake. It had only been taken last year. We’re all holding hands, mine in Jake’s and Bree’s, Paloma on Jake’s other side. We’re all smiling cheekily, Bree’s braces catching the flash of the camera slightly.

I smile just like I am in the picture.

I thought I’d lost this.

When Jake left us, it had been my only photo of us recently together. In all the others, we were barely recognisable with our plaits and block fringes. I hugged the photo to my chest. Us four friends, together then, and back together now.

I was so happy, I felt light and airy, without a care in the world, mainly because mine was coming back together, but also because we were hopefully going to be like we should always have been.

This was turning out to be the best day I'd had all week

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