Chapter 12

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Welcome to Chapter 12 - thank you everyone for the votes, I am really glad you are enjoying this crossover - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

Stiles POV

Ugh why does my head hurt? What is that annoying beeping sound? Is that my alarm, but I don't want to get up yet? I open my eyes slowly and squint instantly at the dazzling lights above me, okay this is not where I was expecting to wake up. The last thing I remember was arriving at the Cave and everything going dark and now I am here.

Where is here though? It looked strangely familiar as though I have been there before, am I back with WCKD? Had it all been just a sick mind trick they had played and I never really escapade?

"Stiles! Your awake, how are you feeling?" I hear a familiar voice ask as I look over and see Melissa coming to stand next to me.

"Melissa? Is that really you or am I dreaming?" I ask looking directly at her trying to work out if she is real or a figment of my mind.

"Count your fingers and then tell me whether you are dreaming or not!" She states and I lift my hands and relief rushes over me as I only count ten fingers.

"It's real, you are really here. Okay so if you are real and I am real, where are we? Did WCKD capture you also?" I rush out and try to sit up of the uncomfortable table I am lying on.

"Take it easy please, you are still quite hurt and need time to recover. To answer your question we are in the Morgue at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital." Melissa states and I look closely around the room as I slowly sit up and realise what I was lying on is the autopsy table.

"What happened? How did I get here? Where is everyone?" I rush out looking around the room and spot the familiar face of Irene sat on a chair not far from me with the rest of the room empty.

"Alright Stiles breathe, we don't know the answers to your questions. Everyone left to meet you at the meeting location and then you just appeared out of know where in the Relatives room where me and Irene were waiting to hear news. With the help of Dr Geyer we patched you up and brought you here for your safety." Melissa explained and I can understand the logic but right now my main priority is everyone else.

"Irene, it's lovely to see you again." I state addressing her hoping she may have a plan or some more information to help me create a plan.

"Nice to see you again too Stiles, we have some things we need to discuss." Irene states and that did not sound like it was going to be good.

Irene with the help of Melissa explained the plan that had been created and who had been sent, I was touched to hear that Chris cared so much about me that he dropped what he was doing to come save me.

"We haven't heard anything on the radio since Rafael advising that they were sorry that they were too late and Mitch advised them to extract the package. We assumed that they meant that they had found you dead and they were taking your body back to the Berg." Irene finished explaining and I was confused as to what they had found.

"Hang on, how can they have found me dead if I am sat here alive with you both right now?" I ask need to voice my confusion as this was not making any sense to me.

"Uh well there is one minor detail that we failed to mention, there is another reason we brought you here and not into a normal room. You see you were dead when you arrived here!" Melissa states and I look at her in confusion and lift my hands to check again that I am not dreaming.

"How long? How long was I technically dead for?" I ask concerned about what the answer may be.

"You arrived here about four hours ago, you started breathing again thirty minutes ago." Irene answered and I tried to process the information I was given, so for three hours 30 minutes I was dead. But how am I alive right now?

"Stiles, are you okay?" Melissa asks placing a hand on my shoulder and I notice the concern look both her and Irene held in there face.

"Yeah, I'm just processing this information that just throws a lot of questions around at the moment. But they can be answered later, right now the focus is everyone else as WCKD would have tracked their location and are most likely either attacking or kidnapping them." I state standing up of the table, my legs wobble slightly as I stand but I hold tight on the table and centre myself.

"Well we had a similar though so sent a drone to take photos of the area and they have just arrived back." Irene states placing her laptop on the table showing the pictures of everyone been rounded up, Scott and Mitch both seemed to be knocked out. But where is Dad and Rafael? It looks like everywhere has been hit with bombs.

"I need to get back there, they are looking for me. I can't let any of them die because of me. More importantly I can't go dressed like this, do you have any clothes around?" I state pointing to the fact that I was in a baggy pair of hospital trousers.

"I guess I have good timing bring this then!" A familiar voice states from behind Irene and I spot Derek stood there holding a bag.

"Sourwolf, I have never been so happy to see your ugly face. What are you doing here?" I state walking over to him and embracing him in a tight hug before accepting the bag he was carrying.

"Melissa called me and filled me in on everything, I turned up just before you arrived and helped move you down here. I have been sat here watching you, trying to work out how I was going to tell your Dad or Scott when your heart just started beating again on its own." Derek advises as I get dressed and his comment confuses me that my heart just restarted on its own.

"Alright, so we have a strike team ready to go. I will agree for you to go with them on the condition that Derek goes with you and you don't do anything stupid." Irene states and I am happy she isn't going to try and stop me from helping.

I nod my head in agreement and ready my gun before receiving a stern word from Melissa to stay safe and that once I was back she would be running tests on me no matter if I was fine or not. I hugged her tight and thanked her for everything before nodding to Irene and leaving with Derek to the waiting helicopters.

The journey only took thirty minutes but these felt like the longest thirty minutes of my life, knowing everyone I loved and cared about was in danger and I had once chance only to save them, the plan was simple enough the CIA operatives would drop in and immediately take out the guards holding the hostages and the surrounding area, my target and focus was Janson.

As we arrived I placed my mask and helmet on and readied my gun as I dropped out of the helicopter and landed directly behind Janson who was currently with Mitch, Lydia, Scott, Dad and Rafael.

"I believe you have been looking for me!" I state aiming my gun at his head as I see everyone rise to their feet.

"Agent Stilinski! Welcome back!" Janson states turning around to face me as the barrel of my gun is now touching his head.

"You are going to wish I stayed dead!" I stated sharply removing my helmet and mask.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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