Chapter 22

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Welcome to Chapter 22 - I'm going to dive straight in as I can't wait for you all to see what happens next - pre warning gifs are included again!!

Stiles POV

Thomas, my friend why couldn't I have saved you from this fate. Would you have been better off without me??

 Would you have been better off without me??

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Chris POV

As me, Rafael, Sheriff and Parrish reach our entrance point I notice Parrish eyes start to glow, it had been agreed that he would be able to track Stiles easier this way along with getting through any Mountain Ash barriers if required.

"Are we all ready?" Rafael asks before he pushes the doors open into the eerily quite corridor.

As we enter the doors quickly slam shut behind us, well I guess we are not leaving the same way as we arrived then, I grab the torch out of my pocket and light it as Rafael and Sheriff do the same.

"Parrish, can you hear anything?" Sheriff asks his Deputy who's eyes are shining brightly in the dark corridor.

"Directly below us but we need to hurry." Parrish advises before launching into a run and crashing open the gate I hadn't even noticed blocking our path.

"Rafael, radio Scott and advise him what Parrish said." I advise throwing the radio over to him for him to make the call as I step forward lighting up the hallway ahead more.

"Parent team to Alpha team, please be advised the Hound has advised directly below our position. Over!" Rafael advises into the radio but only static is heard from the other side but I wasn't worried as the double click just sent answered what Rafael had just said.

As we walk down the hallway I can't help but think about Allison, I sometimes wonder what her life would have been like if she had survived that night? How everyone else's life would have been? Mostly I think that for Stiles, even though he wasn't responsible he still carries more guilt over it compared to everyone else.

It does make me wonder whether the career path he had taken was due to that time, yes I know he was always going to join the Law enforcement but would he have done what he did with Mitch or Thomas if it hadn't been for what happened. As I got lost in my thoughts I noticed everyone else had stopped walking and were staring at me.

"Chris, are you okay?" Sheriff asks looking deeply concerned as he shined his torch in my face.

"Yeah sorry, why have we stopped for?" I ask hoping the answer wasn't staring me in the face or had already been discussed.

"It's the Closed Unit, this place is normally crawling with the worst of the worst but I am not picking up any signs of life. Saying that since we entered the building, I have only picked up additional activity from the basement alone." Parrish advises lighting his hands a flame as he burns down the Mountain Ash blocking his path.

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