16 : Liyue Harbor

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YOOOO I just finished reading all of y'all's comments after not looking at my notifs for like a week and whYRE y'all so funny 😭😭😭


The morning sun wakes me up, bright as ever. I zip open my tent to go start cooking my breakfast. But instead I see a sleeping Xiao near my tent. He must be tired after watching over me the whole night.

I walk over to him and kiss his forehead before I start cooking. I decided to try making Ambers specialty, steak ! It came out good but Ambers steak is unbeatable.

After that short meal I pack up my things and nudge Xiao awake.

"Hey... sleepyhead, wake up !"

He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me with his angry eyes.

"What ?"

His voice is much deeper than usual. Maybe this wasn't a good idea... but that deep voice is doing something to me...

"Oh uh sorry for waking you up— just wanted to let you know I'm leaving now so... bye !"

I start to walk away but as I am, Xiao dashes in front of me and hugs. He gets on his tippy toes and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Stay safe."

"I will Xiao, thanks."

I start walking away again when I hear Xiao say

"I love you !"

Embarrassed and blushing, I looked down and said I love you back but in a hushed tone. As soon as the words left my mouth I went running to Liyue Harbor but was stopped by a guard.

"Halt ! State your business."

"I'm an adventurer from Mondstadt looking to stay in Liyue for some time."

"You may proceed. But go directly to the Adventurers Guild so that they can get you a place to stay."

"Thank you."

I do as the guard says and try to find the adventurers guild. I ask around for a bit until I eventually find it on the other side of where I came in from.

I passed by so many beautiful shops and wonderfully smelling restaurants, I almost couldn't contain myself and was about to buy their finest dish but I have to remember, I'm poor.

It's not like some rich Snezhnayan will come along and give me a million mora or something. Right ?

Okay fine I said that hoping it would happen but it didn't so...

I get to the adventurers guild and explain my situation. They asked me to fill out a form about my basic information. I filled it out quickly and had the key to my apartment given to me. I walk around looking for it when I finally see my house number.

I insert the key and go inside. It's a very small space, could barely fit two people in it and the floors were creaking.

I'm just glad I have a working bathroom and a kitchen to cook in.

I settle down my bag and quickly go outside. I run out of Liyue Harbor and go to a secluded area.

"Xiao ! Could you come out for a second ?"

I hear rustling from behind me and emerging from the bushes, was none other than...

A child ?

"Qiqi feels like she remembers that name... Xiao."

"Uh are you lost ?"


"O-okay, you should get back to your family now ! It's dangerous out here. You could get hurt by that Pyro Whopperflower over there or— wait... Pyro Whopperflower ?"

Unprepared I was suddenly attacked with a barrage of pyro missiles. I was able to step back but tripped and fell on my butt. I tried to stand back up to save the child but—

"Wheel of Life."

A floating ball of cryo circled the child as she struck the whopperflower. I noticed my wounds started to heal too, this kid's a vision user ?

She kept running around the Whopperflower to confuse it and to avoid its attacks.

"Opening box of Adepti Tricks."

Suddenly a blast of cryo burst out from the child and then, the Whopperflower as killed.

"You should be more careful."

"Uh... thank... you ?"

The child walked away, picking up herbs along the way. I sigh and turn around to see Xiao leaning on a tree.

"Xiao ! You can live with me in Liyue Harbor ! The place I'm staying at has enough room for us and since your small—"

Xiao coughs.

"... and since your pocket-sized, we can fit in there together ! So ? Will you come stay with me ?"

There's a moment of silence before Xiao starts speaking again.

"As much as I don't want to associate with the human world... I guess I can make an exception for you."

I jump for joy and hug Xiao due to my excitement.

"Great ! I'll take you there, just stay inside the house while I leave to go get us groceries okay ?"

Xiao rolls his eyes, but then nods and we walk back to the place we're staying at.

"This place is so decrepit... how can you humans live in such cramped and dirty places such as this ?"

"Well humans will do anything just to get by and survive. To some this place might even be a mansion compared to their usual scenery."

"Hm... it seems I still have much to learn."

I laugh as I place things around the house.

"Alright that should... do it ! I'm gonna head out real quick to buy us some food ! Don't cause any trouble while I'm out Xiao !"

"What do you think of me ? I'm no child to be misbehaving like that."

"Sure, Xiao... sure."

I grab my keys and head out the door to go to the north wharf to buy some ingredients for our dinner.

Hopefully Xiao won't be too much trouble...


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