23 : Live without

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Cloud Retainer's POV

"Ganyu ! Keqing ! One thinks it's best you two retreat and let Xiao handle the rest."

The two fighters move back onto the Jade Palace per my request. I've known Xiao since the Archon War. He is a truly terrifying force to be reckoned with. Despite not being able to hold a candle to use Adepti.... I would go as far as to say he is the strongest Yaksha.

He is the only one to survive after all...

One must not lose focus ! The rest are doing their part tremendously well, and my job is to attack Osial. So that is what I'll do.


Xiao walked slowly towards the Fatui surrounding the three adepti cannons and stood there. Making sure everyone else was a safe distance away from the fight. He knows adepti can handle his strength but is unsure of mortals could withstand the sheer energy he releases with each attack.

Even with as distressed and angry Xiao is, he couldn't attack immediately in fear of hurting the humans near him. Normally, he wouldn't care but he knows that even in the afterlife, Y/N will find some way to scold him for putting human lives in danger.

Xiao smiles under his mask at the thought. Which quickly turns into a sad empty look when he remembers what had just happened.

He takes a deep breath and clenches his polearm, suddenly leaping into the sky and dashing forwards to be right above the Fatui. Then, with all of his might, he plunged down, defeating everyone in the vicinity.

This cycle would continue until there was only one Fatui left standing. The Pyrogunner who shot Y/N. Xiao kept an eye on him the entire time after he shot Y/N, and made sure to save him for last.

The Pyrogunner having seen the untold destruction Xiao brought was trembling in fear. He fell down to the ground and patiently waited for death.

Xiao took off his mask and walked over to the poor soul that angered Xiao. Xiao picked up the man taller than him by the collar. After being tired from fighting, Xiao couldn't say anything else other than.

"Fuck you."

Xiao dashed to the edge of the platform and held the Pyrogunners body over the edge. Xiao wouldn't even let him say his last words before  he impaled him with his polearm, and then dropped him off the edge.

But it seems like the fatigue from wearing the mask too long and exerting so much energy had finally reached Xiao.

And so, right after the Pyrogunner fell, Xiao started to lose consciousness and fell off the platform as well.

The adepti couldn't save him, they were too busy fighting Osial directly, and Ningguang couldn't break focus or the platform would disappear. If Keqing teleported down she would've died along with Xiao.

But Ganyu had an idea. If she shot the water that Xiao would fall on, maybe he could survive, but the flaw in her plan was that no one else could go fetch Xiao once he was saved.

Ganyu still tried though. She went to the edge and charged her arrow, then carefully and precisely shot the water beneath Xiao without harming him.

Ganyu thought it was too dangerous to jump down, but when she looked over the edge again at where Xiao was, his body wasn't there.

Ganyu thought the waves had took him away, and silently walked back to the Jade Palace.

Xiao's POV

I feel a stinging pain all over my body. I don't know what just happened but... it seems like I've died.

I was prepared for this outcome but didn't know that even after death you could feel pain. Maybe.. that means I'm still alive ?

I hear the sounds of birds chirping and wind blowing, so I try to open my eyes and I'm back on top of Mt Aozang. Suddenly, memories of what happened before I awoke came to me in a flash. Y/N... is dead ?

"You're finally awake."

I hear a familiar voice come from beside me, but I can't seem to remember who the voice belongs to.

Wait... I think this is the voice of a man I heard rambling on about wine and old friends near Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

I look up to see a tall man in brown regal clothing.

"Who're you ? A-and wheres Y/N ?!"

I said the last part in a bit of a panic... unable to accept that they're...

"I'm Zhongli, but the name Rex Lapis might be more familiar for you."

"You didn't die ? But... I saw you die in the Rite of Descension ! What sort of joke is this ?"

"Xiao, that was simply a decoy. I'll explain it all to you later but before that, who is Y/N ?"

I grit my teeth and look down when I hear that name. Such... painful memories.

A tear falls down from my face, making the grass beneath me wet.

Then another tear falls, and another one.

I've... never cried this much before... why.. why did you have to die so soon ?

"Fallen for another human ?"

I can't say anything back. The scene of Y/N getting shot keeps me replaying in my head repeatedly. It hurts so much.

I want to just end it all—


Rex Lapis shouted at me. It's the loudest I've ever heard him say my name.

"I don't know exactly what you are going through right now, but I know you can get through it. I've seen you survive thousands of years of physical and mental torture, and yet you are still here, standing next to me. You have went through so much and to die here wouldn't be a satisfying ending, would it ?"

"It wouldn't be. But what am I supposed to do when I've lost the only reason I wanted to continue living ?"

"That is not a question I can give you an answer to. It's a question you must answer yourself. But if ever you need my guidance, I am always happy to help."

We stand still in silence for a few minutes. Letting the harsh winds hit us.

This peace and quiet is... a nice change of pace. I wish they were here with me... I would've loved to just cuddle them in the grass as the wind carried all of our worries away.

If only I could revive them... maybe I could spend this beautiful day with them.

I gasp.

"Rex Lapis... can you do me a favor ?"


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