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"Jeno~," Jaemin whined, pouting, "please let me copy the homework~. I haven't started it and it's due tomorrow."

"Well, you should have started it earlier then," Jeno ignored. Jaemin was really getting on his nerves lately.

"Please~~" Jaemin leaned over and hung off Jeno's arm, squishing himself into him.

"Get off," Jeno wriggled his arm hard out of Jaemin's grasp. "Go ask your girlfriend for the homework."

Jaemin pouted and put on a cute voice. "She won't let me copy... please let me copy your homework!!! That old lady teacher will kill me if I don't do it!"

Jeno turned away from Jaemin, purposefully ignoring him. He hid his sheet of homework from Jaemin so that he couldn't copy it.

"Jeno~~" Jaemin whined again, "why are you so stingy today? You normally let me copy..."

It was true, Jeno normally let Jaemin copy his homework, but that was before. Back when it was just the two of them. Singing and laughing together, running away from the guards at the school gates when they were skipping lesson, going on midnight bike rides to the river and skimming stones across the moonlit water. Back when Jaemin didn't have a girlfriend.

Jeno continued to ignore Jaemin and carried on doing his homework -  he was nearly finished while Jaemin had yet to start.

All of a sudden Jeno felt the warm and gentle touch of Jaemin's hand just underneath his shoulder. Jaemin slowly moved his hand up towards Jeno's head, making his fingers walk across his upper back. As Jaemin got to his neck, a shudder went down Jeno's spine as his fingers traced shapes and patterns on his skin.

Jeno could feel his heart beating faster in his chest, his face becoming warmer and his hands begging to move. He bit his lip, enjoying Jaemin's touch a bit too much, and closed his eyes. Jaemin moved his hand upwards, running his fingers through Jeno's soft hair, touching him gently. As Jeno felt Jaemin massage him, he tilted his head backwards, melting into his hand.

It felt good, Jaemin's hand touching him. In fact, it felt good whenever Jaemin touched him, even just accidentally. When their hands brush past each other, or their fingers touch as they hand something to one another, or when Jaemin's foot rest delicately on top of Jeno's while they eat lunch. It was a pleasure he missed, he didn't do it too often. Now that he had a girlfriend, Jaemin spent most of his time with her, barely even thinking about Jeno.

"Jeno?" Jaemin brought his other hand up and rested it on Jeno's shoulder. He leaned in and whispered in his ear, his body leaning against Jeno's back. "Does that feel nice?"

"Mmm," Jeno responded. Jaemin smirked as he saw Jeno's eyes fluttering at his touch, biting his lip.

Jeno opened his eyes and turned his head to see Jaemin right next to him, smirking seductively. Their noses brush against each other as the two stare into one another's eyes for what feels like a long time. Jeno felt his breath hitch as he noticed Jaemin glancing down to his lips and he couldn't help but let his eyes wander down to his.

As Jeno felt his heart beat faster, he could swear that he saw Jaemin tilting his head just a little, glancing back down to Jeno's lips every so often. Jeno quickly shoved Jaemin off him, maybe a little too hard, and cleared his thoughts. Jaemin fell to the floor knocking over Jeno's drink and laying on some stationery that lay out.

"Dude!" Jaemin said. He lifted his hand up, watching as the drink trickled off his fingers and onto the puddle on the floor. "Gross..."

Jeno quickly got up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom. He began to mop up the mess, avoiding Jaemin's eyes which he could feel staring at him.

"I'm sorry, Jaemin," Jeno said cleaning up the mess.

Jaemin sat up now. "Hmm, whatever," he sulked.

"It's just, you have a girlfriend..."

"What's that got to do with anything?!" Jaemin questioned, both angrily and confused.

"Well," Jeno finished cleaning up the mess and looked at Jaemin sincerely, "I just-, don't want to misinterpret anything."

"Misinterpret anything?" Jaemin was confused. "Jeno we're best friends, my girlfriend isn't gonna get mad if I touch you! She knows we're cool. She doesn't get THAT jealous."

Jeno nodded. Jaemin had clearly not understood him. He wasn't worried that his girlfriend will be jealous, he was worried for himself. Because it felt good. Too good. Just like before when it was the two of them. It felt like, in that moment, it was just him and Jaemin, together. No worries, no other relationships, just them two.

Jeno always had a crush on Jaemin, I mean, how couldn't you? In Jeno's eyes, he was perfect. He was compassionate and loyal and friendly, not to mention Jeno thought he was beautiful. From his body, to his hands, to his face and his hair. Everything about Jaemin was almost too good to be true.

Jeno did think that Jaemin might have reciprocated the feelings Jeno felt for him. Until one day he saw him with a girl. His current girlfriend. It made his heart break in two when he saw how Jaemin acted around her, cuddling her, giving her attention. Jeno was jealous and mad. Mad at himself mainly, for not ever realising that Jaemin didn't like him back.

He thought maybe that after all this time, Jaemin would like him. But he didn't. Not in the way he wanted it.

So all Jeno could do now was watch from the sidelines, questioning everyday why it couldn't be the two of them. Together.

"Here," Jeno picked up his homework, "you can copy from it."

A wide smile arose on Jaemin's face as he quickly took the homework. "Thanks, bestieee~~."

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