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"Haechan. Got a problem on 43rd street. It's-"

"Let me guess," Haechan picked the walkie-talkie up and rolled his eyes with a smirk, "it's Misfit again."

"Right as always."

Haechan felt a grin creep onto his face, the compliment feeding his gigantic ego. "Am I not always right, huh Jisung?"

"Yes. You are. But there's no time to chat. I heard he's broke into The International Banking's headquarters and is threatening the 'Head's of Office'. It might get messy, sir."

"Messy?" Haechan pulled a smug smile as he tightened his suit, "Perfect."


"You won't get away with this, Misfit! The Great Angel Saviour will come and kick your ass like always!"

Misfit glared at the overly-confident man before grabbing his face. "You're a bit too talkative for a man tied up. I should've put a fucking gag on you." He squeezed down harder, his long and pointed nails digging into the flesh of the Head of Office. A few tears began to roll out of the older man's eyes as he tried to hide the pain caused by those dirty and long fingernails piercing his skin. "What's that? Not got anything to say now, hmm?" he smirked before laughing maniacally at the helpless man in front of him.

"Let him go, Misfit."

Misfit rolled his eyes and released the man with a hard shove, knocking his skull against the ground. He turned around slowly before his eyes locked with the person who dares to speak to him.

"Wow~~ well if it isn't The Great Angel Saviour," he cackled loudly, his body shaking with laughter, "God, I hate that fucking name."

The Great Angel Saviour narrowed his eyes at Misfit and glared, "move away from those people or I'll make you."

"Oh~~ you'll MAKE me, will you?!" Misfit turned around to the twelve men sitting on the floor, mouths taped shut and limbs tied, "did you hear that, guys?! He's gonna MAKE me!"

Misfit laughed maniacally before grabbing one of the men by the throat. He held his long and sharp knife to the neck of the man, while the man begged the hero with his eyes.

"Go ahead, Great Angel Saviour. Make me."

Haechan keeps a neutral face as he gets fed information from his partner Jisung through his earpiece.

"Haechan! That man in the corner is the richest in the city. He is the most important one to save. Save him at all costs, even if you can't save the others. The one Misfit is holding is not very important but the one with the blue suit is, as are the two on the right. Protect those four over the others."

The hero's eyes dart back and forth as he thinks of a plan to help the four men survive. Ideally, he would want to save all twelve but he knows that sacrifices must be made to protect others.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER, BOY?!" Misfit slowly begins to press the knife on the neck of the man he's holding, "Or should I say 'what's the matter, Haechan?'"

... what.


Misfit slices the man's neck open with one quick movement of his knife. Blood pours out and he drops the squirming body to the floor with a hysterical laugh.

Without thinking, The Great Angel Saviour slams Misfit through the window, knocking him onto the roof of the adjacent building.

One thousand thoughts are flooding the hero's mind - does he chase down Misfit or help those people?

"Sirs, get out of here NOW," he says running over to the rich man in the corner and cutting him free from the rope-ties. He quickly cuts all 10 other men free before he runs over to the window to chase Misfit.

But he feels himself stop when he sees the bloody mess on the floor. The poor and defenceless man who has just had his neck sliced open in front of everyone, lay dead. Surrounded in a pile of his own blood.

He turns back to the alive men and they haven't moved a muscle. They don't want him to leave. They're still petrified.

Our hero takes one last peek out of the window, watching as Misfit leaps from rooftop to rooftop, shouting taunts all the while, before he turns back around to the men.

Quickly, he picks the body up with ease into his arms and signals for the other men to follow him.

When they finally make it from the top floor to outside, they're greeted with hundreds of people. News reporters, Policemen and Policewomen, Doctors, and regular civilians who want to know all about what has happened (and to see their favourite hero).

"Great Angel Saviour! Please! Tell us what happened???" says a reporter, sticking his microphone in Haechan's face.

"Another criminal to stop," says the hero as he hands the man in his arms to some doctors on the side before returning to the Press, "which of course, is NO MATCH for The Great Angel Saviour!"

Oo's and Ah's and claps fill the hero's ears as they congratulate him. Haechan soaks in the glory for as long as possible before a message from Jisung is heard in his ears.

"Haechan! Return now, no more time for compliments. There's a big issue that needs solving ASAP."

Haechan sighs and apologises to the people before rushing off back to the headquarter (of course, making sure no one is following him). Once there, Jisung talks to him properly, face to face.

"Congrats on the mission, Mr Lee," he says smiling.

Haechan smiles in response, knowing that he's the best hero there ever has been.

"Now, to the reason of this discussion," begins Jisung as Haechan plants himself down lazily on the sofa, "he knew your name."

"Ah~ so you heard it too?"

"Haechan. This is serious. Once your cover is blown there's no way you can fight effectively and be stealthy; Misfit will know your whole location! Not to mention fans will mob you like crazy."

"Doesn't sound too bad then," says Haechan, imagining swarms of fans around him.

"Haechan. Please get real for one moment."

Haechan lifts an eyebrow at Jisung's tone.

"This is really serious. We need another person on our team who is basically a computer freak AND a genius. They need to be able to find out how Misfit got your name and stop him from leaking it. But we also need someone who won't spill that it's you."

"So what I'm hearing is," says Haechan, sitting up finally, "we need a computer nerd who is too scared to reveal my identity?"

Jisung widens his eyes at the suggestion, "that's not what I meant but actually that could work. But who do we know like that?"

"Seems to fit the description of those computer club geeks at our school, don't you think?"

"Yes, it does!" Jisung says excitedly, "Haechan, you need to befriend them and get one of them to work for you. Preferably the smartest one."

"The smartest?" Haechan thought for a moment, "Ah, I know who it is. It's that weirdo, Mark Lee."

"Yes! Perfect! Befriend him!"

"What!? That nerd!? I don't wanna be seen DEAD talking to him! He's such a freak..."

"He might be," Jisung begins scribbling on a piece of paper and hands it to Haechan, "but he's our best shot right now."

Haechan rolls his eyes and takes the paper, reading his instructions.

"Come on, don't roll your eyes," begins Jisung, "he's not gonna turn all your friends against you or anything. This mission will be easy!! I mean, who could say no to Lee Haechan, the most popular guy in the school!!"

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