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"Okay class, discuss with your partners for a couple of minutes, then I'll be picking on people!"

"Oh great," says Hyuck rolling his eyes, "I've got to work with this asshole." He leans his head onto his hands and ignores the older next to him.

Mark chuckles. "You're lucky you get such a smart person like me, Hyuckie~"

Hyuck's eyes widen and he whips around, grabbing Mark's collar. "I said don't fucking call me that."

"Or what? Hmm?"

Mark continued smirking while Hyuck grew angrier; he gripped onto Mark's collar harder.

"Uh, boys in the back, I hope you're discussing!" shouts the teacher at the two of them.

Donghyuck quickly lets go of Mark and starts doing work.

"Too scared to hit me?" taunts Mark.

"No. I just don't need to get expelled again."

"Okay! You have one minute left to discuss with your partners!"

Mark looks around to see everyone else discussing. "So, you know the answers then?"


"The answers to the questions?"


"You have to discuss them with me then," says Mark bluntly.

"I don't have to do shit," Donghyuck continues scribbling on his work, "I thought you said you were smart. You shouldn't need my help."

"I'm smarter than you, dumbass," says Mark angrily, "I just thought you were too stupid and needed my help."

Donghyuck turns around and sticks his face in Mark's. "I think it's you who needs my help."

Mark locks eyes with Hyuck before grabbing his face and pushing him away with force. Donghyuck saw this as an opportunity and decided to dramatically fling himself out of his chair.

"OW!" Donghyuck shouts while he's on the floor. He looks at Mark who is just staring at him, confused. "MARK, WHY DID YOU PUSH ME?!"

Mark looks around and notices how the other students are starting to look at the two of them. He covers his reddened face in his hands hiding his embarrassment.

"LEE DONGHYUCK! WHAT ARE YOU MESSING AROUND FOR?!" screamed the teacher when she sees Hyuck on the floor.

Hyuck quickly stood himself up and apologised to the teacher. His plan to get Mark in trouble had backfired and Mark loved it.

"Right then, since you've clearly not been paying attention, I want you to answer question five for the class."

Donghyuck stares at the board and reads question 5. The question reads 'What was Friar Laurence's main role in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"?'.

Crap... Hyuck thought. How am I meant to know that?!

"Uhh," Hyuck stalls, pretending he's thinking.

"If you don't get it right then both you and Mark will be in detention after school for messing around during the lesson and not discussing when you're asked to."

Mark's laughing subsides and he stares in silence at Donghyuck, his eyes wide at the thought that his punishment rests in the hands of this boy. Donghyuck looks back at Mark, who is now glaring at him to get the answer right, and smiles.

"The Friar helped Juliet," Hyuck answers with confidence (and a small grin on his face).

Mark hangs his head in his hands.

"Wrong, Mr. Lee. You two see me for detention after school."


When class ends, Hyuck walks the halls alone to meet his friends. He puts his earbuds in, ignoring the busy students walking past. He's in his own world until someone's foot trips him up.

"OW-," Donghyuck falls to the floor. He looks up to see that weird tall boy staring at him.

"Watch where you're going, freak," says the boy to Donghyuck.

"Oh, s-sorry Johnny," Hyuck hesitantly gets himself back up while the giant was still staring at him.

Hyuck tries to walk off and ignore him but Johnny trips him again.

Johnny laughs seeing Donghyuck fall on the floor, his jeans now ripped at the knee from the falls and his scraped skin starting to bleed.

Johnny walks off leaving Donghyuck on the floor. As he gets up, he sees Mark from across the hall, staring at him with those same wide eyes.

"What do you want?!" he scowls at Mark before hurriedly leaving.


As Donghyuck waits outside the detention room, Mark finally appears.

"She in there?" asks Mark to Hyuck, pointing at the door.

"I don't know, you've got your own eyes haven't you?"

Mark rolls his eyes and peers in to see an empty room. He tries to open the door but it's locked.

Hyuck laughs at him. "Wow, Mr "Smartest Man" Mark Lee doesn't know how to open a door."

"Shut the fuck up. I was testing it because you're too stupid to even try the door. You'd just wait outside for hours."

"No, I wouldn't!" Donghyuck argues.

"You would!"

"I wouldn't!" Donghyuck turns to Mark.

"Mhmm, I think you would," Mark smirks at Donghyuck. He walks closer to him.

"Are you trying to piss me off right now?!" Hyuck says angrily.

Mark laughs at Hyuck and turns away.

Suddenly, Hyuck pushes Mark against the wall. He holds his hands on his shoulders and pushes him hard, trying to hurt him. Mark locks eyes with the younger and laughs again. "You're so weak," Mark taunts.

Hyuck's eyes widen and he accidentally loosens his grip enough for Mark to escape. Mark slips out of Donghyuck's grasp and flips their positions, taking Donghyuck by surprise.

"Ow..." Donghyuck says quietly as he feels Mark's firm hands on his shoulders, his nails digging in a bit.

"Who was that guy earlier? He was making a fool out of you," Mark laughs.

"Shut your mouth. It's none of your business," says Hyuck.

"I thought you said you were so strong though, Donghyuck? You could fight him if you wanted. Or did you just not wanna fight him?" Mark taunts.

Donghyuck turns his head away. "Why do you wanna know? Is he your fucking boyfriend or something?"

Mark chuckles. "Are you asking me if I have a boyfriend?"

"What?! No... I don't give a shit what you do," Donghyuck turns his head back round to see Mark's face a bit too close to his, Hyucks nose accidentally brushing Marks. "Get off me..." said Hyuck softly as he turns his head to the right to avoids Mark's closeness. He squirms under Mark's hands to escape his harsh grip but it's no use.

"Or what?" Mark whispers gently as he grins at Donghyuck underneath him. "Look at me."

Donghyuck slowly turns his head back to Mark who purposefully makes their noses brush against one another. Marks grins gently while Hyuck rolls his eyes and tries to wipe his nose before-

"Sorry I'm late boys!" shouts the teacher, running up to them. Mark and Hyuck quickly separate. "You two can actually just go home, you've been waiting long enough. Just, next time, pay more attention in class."

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