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"Mommy? Why are his ears so big?"

The mom quickly pulls her child away from the young boy, scowling all the while. "Don't look at him, darling. He's a freak."

The two run off, leaving Renjun still sitting on the ground alone. "Disgusting child. If they didn't have this fucking shock collar on me I'd rip you to shreds."

Renjun lives in the local graveyard underneath a tall tree in the back corner. When passersby see him they usually hurl drinks, food, anything at him, just so they can watch him get shocked by the collar. Renjun deserved it, of course. I mean, you don't get shocked for no reason, right? He's a bad man, belonging to a race of disgusting monsters who have powers the humans don't possess. And if you dare to use those powers, then *ZAP*

Don't take pity on Renjun. His race is evil and undeserving. It's a shame they have to live in this world with the humans who frankly have never done anything wrong to them.

Renjun trudges down to the local foodbank in hope of getting something to eat. Outside is a queue, maybe 10 people long? Renjun stands at the back before becoming impatient far too quickly. "Get a move on!" he shouts, hoping the workers at the front hear him.

"Sir, please be patient!" shouts a worker back to him.

"This is fucking ridiculous," Renjun says, rolling his eyes. He steps out of the line and walks to the front. When he gets there, he barges his way in, shoving the woman at the front hard.

"Hey! What's your problem?!"

"Shut up you fucking woman."

"I have kids to feed! Get to the back!"

"And I have ME to feed. You get to the back, disgusting wretch."

"Sir, you can't speak to her like that. She was in the line before you," says a different worker to Renjun.

"I can speak to her however I want!"

"Oh, I see, you're one of those freaks aren't ya?" says the mother, pointing to Renjun's collar.


"Freak? That's what I'd describe your child as. Look at it. Slobbering all over itself. It's a shame you guys know how to breed," says Renjun before beginning to step inside.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY CHILD!" shouts the mother, gaining the attention of the other people in the queue. "YOU DARE TO SPEAK LIKE THAT TO SUPERIORS!?"


Renjun feels many pairs of eyes staring at his back as he's frozen in the doorway. He feels a large hand on his wrist and it forces him to turn around. But he hates that. Being forced to do things. As soon as Renjun begins to turn around he feels another hand on his shoulder, making his body tense up. He scowls to himself before forming his hand into a fist. Catching the other guy by surprise, Renjun whips round, his fist raised and heading straight for the man's face before-


Renjun feels 2000 volts straight to his neck as his body drops to the floor and spasms.


The people watching this ordeal laugh as Renjun continues jolting on the floor. "I don't know why they don't just kill you all off already. Such a pathetic race," laughs the mom as she walks past Renjun. Her kid spits on him and kicks him in the arm before joining his mom inside.

15 minutes go past and the sun is beginning to set. The other people in the queue stepped over Renjun as they went in and now Renjun was the last one to get served. His fingers are still shaking from the shock but he has enough strength to get himself up and finally walk in and get some food.

"All out."

"What?!" says Renjun as he looks at the workers, "you have plenty of food just sitting there!"

It was true, the workers did have a lot of food there. But not for his people. For the normal people. And anyway, why would they want to give him food after that whole situation earlier?

"I said... All. Out."

"You bitch, I'll just take some myself then," Renjun runs over to the table quicker than the others could anticipate. He swipes a couple of boxes of food before running out and around the corner. "The collar. It's not going off?!" he questions before laughing to himself.


Nope, he spoke too soon.

10 minutes and 2000 volts later, Renjun stands himself up. His whole body still shakes but he won't stay down for long. They're quite resilient, those monsters.

The workers had since gotten the food Renjun stole and gave him a good beating for it before leaving him on the floor.

He sighs as he looks at his whole body still shaking slightly before deciding to sit back down again. He leans his back against the side of the food bank's building and rests his head in his lap.

"That must've hurt, right?"

Renjun lifts his head slightly to see who the voice belongs to. He recognises the blue uniform as one of the workers from earlier. He puts his head back down and ignores the young man, not wanting another beating.

Then, for some reason, the young man sits right next to Renjun!

"What are you doing?!" asks Renjun, now being able to look at the man's face. He was a cheery person with a lovely smile - possibly the exact opposite to Renjun. He had a lot of hair too, completely draped over his face, making only the bottom half of his face visible.

"Here, it's yours."

Renjun peers down to see the boy holding a bunch of bananas in his hand. Renjun looks at the boy, then back at the food, then back at the boy, before turning away completely, convinced this is another test.

"Leave me alone. Do you know I'm not a human?"

The boy breaks off one of the bananas from the bunch and holds it out for Renjun. "I know."

Renjun raises his brows and turns back around to see the man sitting so calmly next to him. "You know I'm a bad guy, right?"

The boy nods.

"You know I could kill you right this second? Are you not scared next to me?"

The boy shakes his head. "I don't think you'd kill me," he smiles.

Renjun scowls at the boy before lunging for the banana. He eats it with animalistic speed, peel and all. The other boy watches with wide eyes as Renjun manages to eat the food in less than a couple of seconds. When he's done, he lunges over the boy, grabbing the bananas, before leaning back and proceeding to eat the rest of them.

"What's your name?" asks the boy as Renjun finishes his last banana.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"I would actually," he smiles. "13902. Is that your name?" The boy asks while reading Renjun's collar.

"Does it matter?"

"It's a nice name. It-, it suits you."

"That's not my name, idiot. And why are you still talking to me? Go."

"My name's Jaemin."

"I don't care."

"Do you not want to be friends?"

Renjun laughs maniacally and at the top of his voice. "Friends?! I don't need you as a friend."


Jaemin slowly moves his hair from in front of his face to reveal something. Two very large and distinctive ears.

"I'm just like you."

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