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"Let's see," Winwin said, peering down at the ever changing list in front of him. "Qian Kun. Died 3 minutes ago by murder. Okay."

Winwin transported himself to Earth to retrieve Kun's soul.

When he arrives he looks at Kun's lifeless body on the floor; his limbs appeared to have been broken and were sprawled uncomfortably. His eyes were wide open and out of respect Winwin went to shut them.

"There's my husband," said a familiar voice to Winwin, "it's been so long hasn't it, Mr Death?"

Winwin turns around. "Nakamoto? You again?"

Winwin rolls his eyes as he looks at the male in front of him. Hands and clothes stained with blood and his hair dishevelled and crazy.

"Just call me Yuta, sweetheart," Yuta winks at Winwin.

Winwin rolls his eyes and points to the body. "Okay then. Yuta, care to explain yourself? Dont tell me it's the same reason as last time."

"Of course it is! I have to see you somehow, dont I?" Yuta walks towards Winwin and the two stare at the dead body in front of them.

Winwin flashes a small smile at Yuta before speaking, "how do you keep getting away with this? You should be locked up."

Yuta shrugs. "I don't know. I guess you could say I'm too skilled." He smirks at Winwin. 

"I wouldn't say you're too skilled, I'd say you're an idiot."

"Is that a compliment?" Yuta stares in Winwins eyes and smirks.

"What part of that was a compliment?!"

Yuta reaches his hands out to Winwin's. "Just love me already!!"

Winwin shakes Yuta off his hand and laughs a little. "You're stupid," he smiles back at him.

Yuta raises an eyebrow. "How am I stupid?!"

"Look," Winwin points down to the body, "this is how. Killing other people. Does mortality mean nothing to you? You know they can't live again right?"

"Surely that's smart, not stupid. I get to see you, dont I?"

Winwin rolls his eyes at Yuta but secretly he can feel his heart quicken. "It's a real shame that you can see me, you know?"

"And how is that a shame?" Yuta asks, "I want to see my boyfriend. Is that such a crime?"

Winwin chuckles a little. "Boyfriend? You're delusional."

They both look back at the body. "You'll need to hide him, you know? If you don't want to get caught."

"Aw, are you helping me?" asks Yuta, smiling at Winwin.

"No," Winwin states but tries hard to hide his reddened face.

"Does Mr Death care for me?" Yuta smirks at Winwin again.

Winwin bends down to the body and hovers his hand over his face. "I'm going now."

"Wait!" Yuta jumps on Winwin, "please don't go yet, it's been ages since I last saw you. Cant we do something together?"

Winwin didn't really find Yuta annoying, he liked him. He was the only person who he had spoken to more than once, everyone else were just spirits that he said the same lines to over and over again.

Winwin pulled his hand back in and got up. "What did you wanna do?"

Yuta grabs Winwins hand and leads him somewhere. "Let's go the beach!"

The two run for a little bit before getting to the beach. Yuta was out of breath and that made Winwin laugh. "You're very unfit."

"Hey!" Yuta panted, "I'm not! I, uh, I just have asthma!!"

Winwin tilted his head. "You do?"

"Yes." He lied. "Come on, let's watch the sunrise together."

Yuta took Winwin's hand and led them down to the shore. The two sit together, looking out to sea, and waiting for the sun to come up.


"Hmm?" Yuta responds, looking at Winwin.

"I think you were meant to be someone like me. I think that's why I can see you."

Yuta listens closely as Winwin continues.

"The other humans can't see me in the living world. Only other helpers like me. I think you were meant to be born like me, as a person made to help guide the human souls to the afterlife."

Yuta takes Winwins hand and holds it gently. "So you think I was always meant to know you then? Like destiny?"

Winwin laughs and holds Yutas hand back. "I didn't say destiny."

Yuta smiles at Winwin and the two look back to the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise.

Winwin moves closer to Yuta and leans into him, resting his head on him. "I'm glad you can see me, Yuta. I think I'd be quite alone without you."

Yutas eyes widen and he wraps his arm around Winwin, "you're too nice to me right now, it's making my heart flutter."

Winwin wraps his arm around Yuta also. "Is there not a human who you like, Yuta?"

"There's no one for me. Only you."

Winwin smiles and feels his cheeks blush pink.

"I wish there was a way to see you all the time. Maybe if I die then I can see you forever?" says Yuta as he strokes his thumb over Winwins shoulders.

"It wouldn't work like that. I'd have to bring your soul to the afterlife and I wouldn't see you again," Winwin says disappointedly, looking up at Yuta.

Yuta hugs him back tightly. "Hey, it's okay. I wont kill myself too soon then," he smiles, "look! The sun's coming up! You always said you wanted to see it."

Winwin looks upon the horizon to see the sky turn a beautiful array of colours, scattered perfectly across his view. He marvelled at it with an open mouth expression and looked at Yuta who wasn't watching the sun, but him.

"Thank you for showing me this," says Winwin, keeping eye contact with Yuta, "I-, I like you a lot."

Yuta feels his heart racing and smiles at Winwin. "I like you a lot too."

The two hug, watching the sun rise together, holding each other longingly. "I'll miss you when I go, Yuta."

"Well I'll just have to see you again."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

Yuta nods. "I'd do anything for you. I like you a lot."

Winwin smiles back at him. "Thank you, Yuta. You're the only person I have."

Yuta plants a small kiss on Winwins forehead and smiles. "This is now my new favourite day ever."

☦︎︎ 𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎  ☦︎︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora