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"Doyoung don't do this! Please!" Taeyong screamed, his voice dry and raw.

Doyoung's hands were shaking as he held a large knife that he got from their kitchen.

"I-, I have to..." Doyoung avoided Taeyongs eyes and stared at the knife in his hands.

Taeyong tried to untie his hands but couldn't manage it. "Please Doyoung! You don't have to!! You're not like before!"

"Shut up!"

Taeyongs heart was racing out of his chest. Why was his boyfriend doing this to him?

"You wouldn't understand, Taeyong. I HAVE to do this," Doyoung sat down on the floor and looked at Taeyong, who was tied to a chair.

"Then tell me why! I'll listen to you! Please, Doyoung," Taeyong tried to be polite to him but on the inside he was fearing for his life.

Suddenly Doyoung broke down in tears and threw the knife across the floor. He sobbed hard as he cradled his legs and buried his head in his lap. "THEY'RE GONNA KILL THEM TAEYONG!"


"MY MOTHER. AND MY SISTER. THEY'RE GONNA KILL THEM IF I CANT KILL YOU." Doyoung screamed and cried harder.

"Who's gonna kill them?"

"Th- that fucking gang," Doyoung sniffed, "they said they'd do it by the end of the week."

"You still associate with them!?! Doyoung! You told me you left them!" Taeyong said angrily.

"I-, I couldn't leave. I tried to ignore them but they threatened me. And I tried to leave and they wouldn't let me!"

"How long has this been going on for!? I asked you to leave them 3 years ago!! You promised me you would!!" Taeyong starts to cry.

"Stop fucking shouting at me!!" shouted Doyoung through tears. "I tried!!! I really tried to leave! They just wouldn't let me!!! Not everyone has it easy like you."

"You think it was easy for me to leave!?" starts Taeyong, "That's my FAMILY! They beat me up so bad for even thinking about leaving! But I did it for you. Coz these stupid gangs we were in are fucking rivals, and we were seeing each other. How could I stay in the gang that wanted to kill my boyfriend!?"

Taeyongs breath becomes heavier and more tears stream from his eyes as he vents.

"Doyoung, I love you so fucking much. But don't you DARE say this was easy for me! I LOST EVERYTHING TO BE WITH YOU!"

The words hit Doyoung hard and he looks at his boyfriend. Tied to a chair, ready for him to kill. But he couldn't do it. Not to the one person who he loved most.

"Taeyong, I'm sorry-," Doyoung doesn't know what to say.

Silence hangs in the air for a second while Taeyong calms himself down. "I thought we were done with this violence shit now..."

"What am I gonna do, Taeyong!?" says Doyoung. He was freaking out. "I cant do it. I cant kill you. I don't want to! But they'll kill my family!"

Doyoung's family were always supportive of him and Taeyong, not like Taeyongs family. It broke Taeyong's heart to think that Doyoung's poor sweet mother and his baby sister could get hurt over this.

"Then call the police on them!"

Doyoung rolled his eyes at Taeyong. "Taeyong, I'm in a fucking gang. They'll arrest me before they can even rescue them."

"Well I don't know then! You got yourself into this situation. Untie me as well, please. My hands hurt so bad."

Doyoung unties Taeyong's hands and leaves him to untie his feet. Doyoung sits back on the floor and is eventually joined by Taeyong.

"They're gonna kill my family, Taeyong," Doyoung breaks down. He covers his face with his hands as anger and sadness seep over him. "They don't even know that I'm in a gang. And my sister is only five as well. FIVE!"

Taeyong pats Doyoungs back to comfort him. "You are in a difficult situation. But, why have they brought me into this!? Why do I have to get killed for your family to still live? I'm not even with them anymore."

"Your family," Doyoung starts, "they killed one of my members. So they've set it out to kill your family, starting with you."

"What the fuck!?" Taeyong pushes Doyoung away from him. "What the fuck has this got to do with me!?"

"You're still their family! They said you'd be easiest and- and I should do it."

"Doyoung, you've got some fucking nerve-,"

"I said no!! But then they took my family hostage. I don't even know where they are!"

"So now you have to kill me, huh?"

Doyoung shook his head.

"Then what are you gonna do? You can't stand up to a whole gang on your own."

"Uh, I-," Doyoung scratched his head. "How about we both just kill ourselves?"

Taeyong hit Doyoung on the head. "Are you insane?! This isn't Romeo and Juliet! They're not gonna magically be friends just coz we've killed ourselves!"

"What other choice do we have!? We can't kill them, we can't kill ourselves. If we move again, they'll surely find us. Not to mention they'll kill my family if you're still alive."

Taeyong thought for a moment but didn't have anything to say. Doyoung was right. Every option didn't seem like the right one.

"Doyoung, I thought we weren't gonna do violence anymore, that's why we moved away from them. I'm sick of this killing stuff, I don't wanna get involved."

"You're already involved!!" Doyoung shouted.

"And whose fault is that!? If you would've just left like I said we wouldn't have been in this position! Look, we'll do what normal people would do, and that's calling the police."

"We're both wanted criminals Taeyong! They'll probably kill us on the spot."

"Well, what other choice do we have then?!"

Doyoung's eyes widen as he reaches for Taeyong's hands, grabbing them firmly. "I think there is one more option. It will save my family and you..."

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