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Dedicated to:



Cold was the day in this lovely yet much dreaded Monday morning.

I was already at my locker getting my stuff. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, "hi my Rose."

What a horrible nickname that only once person on this universe could give me, Jordan.

I closed my locker and slowly turned around and plaster the most believable smile I could fake.

"Hi," I breathed and tightened my grip on the books I was holding up to my chest.

"I thought I should walk you to class and at lunch I'll sit with you," suggested Jordan.

"I don't think that is a good idea, my friends hate your gut. Plus trust is earned not bought. You can be... Uhhmm... a little difficult," I tried to explain.

If he comes sit with me then Jason and Austin will not hesitate to lung him. I could try to put more space between them.

"I'll talk to then today and sit with you maybe after it sinks in. My friends and I are like a pack, loyalty is everything. And honestly speaking, you would kind of make it all difficult."

Jordan sighed, nodding in understanding, he knows what he did. But does he care??

He walked me to my first class but I sat next to Jason as usual.
Luckily for me, James was not in my Mathematics class. He could not be in advanced Maths no matter how much we tried to help him.

The teacher was a little late but he had written an assignment on his board for us. I took out my notebook and wrote down the instructions.

I then took out my laptop, the academy requires every student to have one. If any student can not afford it and shows the necessary documents,  they are provided laptops by the academy.

I started working on my assignment and in the middle of it I got a text from Jordan.

Jordan - hey,

Me - what do you want?

Jordan - I'm bored

Me - whatever

Jordan - you're no fun

Me - and you're obnoxious

Jordan - don't forget about the       
                party, it's important

I rolled my eyes and switched off my phone placing it on my desk. I got a notification, obviously from Jordan, asking if I didn't forget.

I replied quickly then put it back down and sighed. Jason tapped my shoulder, "who are you texting?" I thought for a moment if I should tell him everything or not.

"OK, so I ... I'm texting Jordan," I started and he waited for an explanation on why in the world would I even have Jordan's number.

"So the thing is, I ..."


The lunch bell just rang and I was at my locker switching  books. When a certain scent flooded my nostrils. I felt the presence of someone and took my precious time in acknowledging the person.

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