I Spend Her Love

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            { Pic of Jazmine Levine}

Jazmine is basically Zendaya so I can add more pics perhaps.


The rays of sunshine shone throw the slightly open curtains on this beautiful Saturday morning. I walked to my bathroom and took a five minute cold shower.

I was wide awake with water dripping down as I walked to my closet shivering because I was only in my sweat pants. After a few minutes of contemplating I decided on a basic white shirt.

I walked into the empty kitchen and started making some coffee. Ding dong- the door bell rang causing me to groan.

I walked and opened the door with a crooked smile rehearsed way too many times to not seem rude.

"Hey Jay, dad wanted me to invite you over for lunch. Do you want to come over?" inquired Jazmine whom lives in the neighborhood.

" I'll come over later, thanks. Do you want to come in?" I asked hopefully.

I opened the door a little wider for her and she entered.

I took to a plate and put some homemade vanilla muffins and continued making the coffee.

"Soo..." I trail off, I- not being someone who engages in conversations -am doing something uncharacteristic.

"These muffins are delish!" exclaims Jazmine with a mouthful of muffin. She devours the muffins hardly ever touching her coffee.

"You do not like coffee?" I ask referring to the untouched mug.

She only nods in response and continues eating. I stare at Jaz for what seems like forever.

I'm zoning out more frequently and the room spins every now and then, I guess staying up to finish extra curricular activities was not the best idea.

There has been a question stuck in my head attached with pain and impatience.

"You still love Austin don't you?"

She freezes and does not meet my gaze but I can clearly see the pain in her eyes.

" I still love him but I think he is getting tired of waiting trying to get my attention. I don't blame him though. Cassie is just someone helping him get over me. I know I almost ruined your friendship last year and I think it was better not to choose. I'm sorry," she says softly looking at her hands.

My jaw clenches and I see red but I take deep breaths and take a sip of my coffee.

"Just don't hurt him, you've done that too much to all of us. He may have taken the hardest blow."

" Jason I ..." she trailed off and I raised a brow at her and looked at the door as if it will magically open and kick her out.

She thankfully got the hint and left without another word.


After a weekend of eating junk food, watching movies, going through social media and a few jogs, Monday decides to come by unwanted.

Thankfully I managed to get enough sleep but I still look like a zombie.

I go out to the football field and watch my friends play before turning my attention to my bag.

I take out my journal and draw a red rose.

A rose is a beautiful flower, delicate and captivating. It is small and can be easily harmed. But it also has thorns. If not handled with care it can be harmful.

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