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So I finish unpacking boxes since we've recently moved to a new home.

Aiden sent me his address so I could pick him up and he seems close by.

I decided to just ride my bike to his house with everything.

When I get there I knock on the door twice before I here footsteps. The door slowly opens and Aiden appears.

"Hi, get in," he says opening the door wider, enough for me to enter.

I nod and sit on a couch as I watch his every movement.

"I'm still getting ready, do you mind waiting?" he asks and I nod in response.

His figure vanishes out of sight and I'm soon left with my thoughts. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened it with a warm smile practiced every morning infront of a mirror.

My smile soon drops turning I to a scowl once I catch sight of the intruder.

"Hi Jordan, what are you doing here?" I inquired in a calm voice masking my anger impeccably.

"I should be asking you the same question," he says leaning on the door.

I hear footsteps before seeing Aiden walking towards me. "What are you doing here?" asked Aiden. "Relax guys, my mother wanted to ask you to join us for dinner"

I look at the two in confusion not knowing what's going on. "His my neighbour," Aiden answers my unasked questions.


"Keep that in mind and just think about it okay?" says Jordan before Aiden comes back with his jacket which he had forgotten.

I drive to the party and get there in time along with Jordan who was also invited.

We enter the house and I spot my friends, taking Aiden's hand into mine I head over to them. "Hey guys, this is Aiden. The one I told you about," I explain and introduce each of my friends to Aiden who seemingly isn't as in in uncomfortable as I thought he would.

We are also chatting when Dawn comes over to our table. 

"Hope you are all having fun, there's a game of truth or dare down stares if you guys wanna join. Help yourselves to anything and have fun."

"Thanks! Happy birthday! "  We all exclaim in unison which is a bit creepy.

"Let's go, it will be fun guys," says Austin turning his attention back to us.

"Fine," I give in and the others follow behind as we quickly dash down stares.

We enter the basement filled with arcade games and people chatting with their friends.

We all sit in a large circle and Dawn puts a bottle in the middle spinning it. I watch closely as it spins around until it lands on Kim.

Kim gulps and takes a deep breath and I shake my head in amusement at her silly and dramatic actions.

"Kim, truth or dare?" asks Dawn. "Let's be bold and pick dare. I already regret it" she laughs nervously.

"I dare you to do the slits," Kim gladly stands up and does the splits slowly and flawlessly.

Kim the spins the bottle and we all watch it spin until it lends on Jordan.

Jordan picks dare and I see the smirk on Kim's face. I pray for Jordan.

"Jordan, I dare you to go on a date with Ash," Kim smirks making Jordan instantly pale. If anyone does not complete a dare their eyebrows get shaved off.

"Ok then I will," he then spins the bottle and it lands on Tracey, Jaz'  best friend.

She picks dare and Jordan grins, "kiss two hot girls," he says simply. Tracey kisses Jaz' and blushes making everyone burst in laughter.

"What!" exclamation Jaz who is so very clueless.

"Nothing they were just laughing at your obliviousness. Let me save you the trouble, no one is laughing at you," I reassure Tracey and kiss her to save her.

The bottle lends on James, " James since you pick truth, care to explain your break up?" asks Tracey her cheeks still burning red.

"The long distance relationship was not working," he said simply not expanding on the dark topic. He spins the bottle and it lends on the next victim.

Jaz sits on Chases lap because of a dare. Chase is one of Jordan's best friends who got dare to twit that 'Kim is the hottest girl in a school' by Carlos earning him a punch from Derik.

Carlos' dare was the funniest so far. He had to switch clothes with Dawn's cousin and I took a photo of it.

"Jason, since you picked dare, you have to know as Dawn." Jason hesitantly went to Dawn's side and kissed her gently  before going back to his sit.

Jason spins the bottle and it lands on Derik who obviously picks dare to keep the fun going. "Do a live performance."

He will have to do it after the game. Bret spins the bottle even though it is Derik's turn which is so typical of someone friends with Jordan.

He dares Dawn's cousin to dance during Derik's live performance.  The bottle soon lends on me and I choose dare, " you too will join Derik on the act and sing, James can dance as well and Jason can play guitar to make it more spectacular."

And it's set.

I spin the bottle and it lends on Austin who picks truth, "most embarrassing secret, go!"

He scratches head and I smirk, " I...I...once uhhm.... kissed a pillow and ... well..."

"I got it on video!" I yelled  making Austin snap his head at me lightning fast. I bribe him into giving me forty bucks for keeping his secret video to myself and everyone laughs except for Austin, poor guy.

Austin spins the bottle and it lends on Aiden who picks truth assuming it is the safest option I presume.

"Who is the hottest girl here?" asks Austin and the question seems to catch everyone's attention as we all lean in to hear his answer.

I sip on my water, "Ashley" he muttered causing me to spit out my water and start chocking. I actually chocked on my own saliva not the water.

Everyone mutters under their breath and Aiden spins the bottle quickly and it lends on Dawn.

"Who is the best friend you ever had?" he asks and she opens her mouth but it closes.

Just when she was about to answer someone interrupts.

"Hi," a blonde girl greets, "Melody!" I stand up and engulf her in a bone crushing hug.


Dedicated to Kristabel0583 thanks to her and for the Collab.

Also hello to my new my new followers.


I have decided to call my readers minions from the movie 'Despicable Me'.

Welcome to the fam my lovely Minions.



My tablet broke so I will not be able to update til further notice.


Am using my mom's phone.

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