Disturbance In The Force

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                    { Austin Cullen}


I woke up to a beautiful Friday or Myday as I like to call it. I wore black and white, simple yet cool. A white simple shirt and black pants. I took my white watch and slipped on my sneakers.

I had a bowl of Weet-bix and some coffee with extra milk and then grabbed my back pack rushing out the door. I hoped in my Dad's car and turn on the engine, roaring the car to life with a low thunderous sound, ready to ride to school. I plugged in my phone and played Memories by Maroon 5 singing along as I drove.

"Memories bring back memories bring back you!" I sang softly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

I finally entered the school gates and parking the car at my usual spot. I walked out, heading straight to my locker to get what I needed for my first class.

As I walked down the hall in the direction of my locker confidently, I spotted Austin. He leaned against some locker with his hands in his pockets which meant one thing - relationship advice!

Some girls passed by staring longingly at mostly Austin. I would not blame them, he works out and his father usually takes him out on adventures. They mostly bond on it and his father being a doctor, it is all about treating your body like a temple.

At times I admit I wish I had a athletic physique but it is not worth the hiking and morning jogs he does with his father.

But to be fair I am not out of shape, I am just not fit to run a marathon or hit the track field.

Austin sawing me walking towards him, more specifically, my locker and looked up. He stopped leaning and stood straighter

"Hi Jay!" Greets Austin smiling at his own inside joke.

"What's up?" I ask casually while opening my locker taking out and putting in books.

"I invited Cassie and her friends to join us for lunch. I'm thinking about asking her out in the nearby future."

" I see but are you sure?"

He only shrugged as we walked to our class. I'm not sure if it is a good idea but love works in mysterious ways and so I will never know.

He did not say much after that and so I guessed he had something things to think through. But I had a hunch that this would come again later.

We entered class, students looking up to stare at us, mostly because some were just straight up noisy. We moved to the back row and I sat adjacent to Austin as usual.

He slumped into his chair and was fidgeting before he got as comfortable as he could on the big hard rock called a chair.

My eyes roamed the class of familiar faces sparing no second glance to anyone. The door creaked open revealing an unamused uptight teacher, Mr Evans. He seemed to long to be anywhere else besides here but who would blame him, this is not a class of angels.

The lesson started and my brother or annoying baboon of a friend whom I love and adore anyway drifted off to sleep. I honestly thought he would last longer but I guess he has given up on attempting to stay awake in this period.

The teacher was always in a bad mood and he was the most mundane teacher we had. Never a fan of making his classes lively, he simply handed out pieces of paper to copy as notes or sent them online to us. And no offense, but the Mr. Evans had a nonchalant, dull voice which is likely was half the class is always asleep. That would also explain the bad grades the class got at the start.

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