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             {Pic of Carlos Norman}

So I am reconsidering his eye color. Don't judge.


A few up coming chapters are going to be in Ashley's p.o.v because I am lazy to write a separate book based on her so I'll just mix it with this one and I will try not to confuse you.



We are all at Austin's house and by we I mean the gang but Jaz is not here. She has been acting off lately. We are in the living room studying.

"This brings back memories and now that we are on our break let me put some music on." Kim took out her phone and played Memories by Maroon 5.

"So Ash... When did you guys break up? I can't imagine how hard your distance relationship was with James."

Ashley push some strand of her hair behind her ear contemplating on Derik's question. Derik interlocked his hand with Kim's looking at her before waiting for Ashley's response.

"It's was tough I admit but we had to accept that we both needed time to ourselves. The saddest part was him breaking up with me on the phone. However I had to understand that there was no other way. It still hurts though," she pouted with sad eyes and we all nodded in understanding, partly.

James was a great part of the group and we all miss him.

"On that very sad note, he is actually coming back here and will be staying with his aunt and cousin." Everyone was thrilled by Ashley's words.

"Yeah, he said he will be staying with them since his mom is still going to stay in the big city. I can not wait to see him again," I said and everyone nodded in agreement.

" When is he coming?" asked Austin before sipping on his bottled water.

"He will be back on Monday and since it is Saturday, we have all weekend to get him welcome back presents or whatever." We all helped ourselves to more Doritos while drinking sodas and water.

"What's up with Jaz?" questioned Derik, "she's acting weird lately."

Kim and Ashley just shrug and resume devouring most of our chips. At least I was not the only one who noticed Jazmine's weird behavior.

"Wait, why did you guys break up if he was coming back soon," Kim questioned.

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense," Derek agreed.

She brushed back a strand of her hair, "Because we actually broke up two months ago," she briefly stated.

"Wait what!" Most of them gaped.

I was aware they broke up sooner than she led on. Austin was vaguely aware of it as well.

"Yeah," she shrugged.

"And why are we only hearing about this now?" Kim asked, crossing her arms.

"No one actually asked when we broke up," she shrugged.

"I guess it makes sense, Ash being Ash," Carlos commented.

Kim turned to me, "Did you know?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I had a hunch," I admitted.

"What did you except really?" Carlos questioned, obviously referring to Ashley's closed of nature.

She sighed, "I don't know, to at least be told all of this sooner."

"Well at least she told us," Derek shrugged.

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