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I woke up to the buzzing sound of my alarm at 5 o'clock in the morning. I stretched my arms out in the air as a yawn escaped my lips. I rubbed my still sleepy eyes trying to fight off the urge to go back to sleep. I reached for my phone under my pillow instinctively, I simply looked at the lock screen and internally groaned.

The day has finally arrived, the first day of school. I have been looking forward to my senior year for an incredibly long time. Though a part of me wanted nothing more than to have this day next week and curl up in my cozy bed once more.

Begrudgingly, I slipped my feet out of bed, stepping on the cold floor. I turned my neck, my head facing my bed as I looked at it longingly. Standing here was not going to help me at all and so I lazily made my way to the bathroom.

I took of my shirt and placed it in the laundry basket. I placed my hands on the metal sink as I stated into my reflection, my eyes lingering on the faint outlining of a scar, originating from my torso and trailing all the way up to to my sides. It was not that big, only a few inches long. I stared at it a bit longer, my gaze hard and intense, my mind deep in thought.

I felt an ache in my chest. I shook my hand and shut my eyes. Stripping off the rest of my clothes, I hoped in the shower as spoon as the water was warm enough.

After taking a warm shower I wore my black skinny jeans, a black T-shirt under my red (?) flannel shirt and some black Vans sneakers. I took my black leather jacket after putting on my grey beanie.

Done with getting dressed, I made my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I contemplated on what to eat. A part of me wanting pancakes but I was too lazy.

I missed the mornings where I would come down to the delectable, heavenly aroma of my mom's chocolate pancakes. She loved to switch it up with some protein pancakes at times or regular ones.

But I just missed having breakfast ready for me as soon as I came down, kissing my mother's cheek as a thank you and stealing a bite of whatever she would have made when no one was looking.

The longing feeling left a pang in my chest, and suddenly the house felt a bit emptier without a graceful and cheery presence to brighten the morning.

After a bit of thought and going down memory lane, I just decided on cereal. I had a bowl of Coco Pops then took my father's keys and drove off to school. Although my father has three cars, early this year on my birthday I had received the news that a car was not in my future.  Absurd!!!! I mean, it did not have to be a new car, one of his would have been just fine because he did have taste when it came to cars.

Huffing at the thought I soon slowed down as I drove in the school premises. The drive was not long, just a quick twenty minutes and I was here. I stepped out taking my - you guessed it!- black bag before locking my father's sport car.

I walked over to my friends with my hands shoved in my pockets as I nodded to my fellow school mates waving at me as I passed by. When I reached the group near the soccer field everyone was catching up on lost time, chatting about their summer vacations.

"Jason my bro, I haven't seen you in forever man," greeted my best friend Austin pulling me into a suffocating bear hug.

I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration, patting him on the back as I began to breathe oddly. He let go thankfully, before I started choking.

" You were at my house five days ago and you called last night, stop being dramatic dude."

I had honestly missed this buffoon whom had on a yellow shirt to complement his light skin complexion. His favorite blue jeans the same as always but new white Nike Blazer sneakers. His chocolate eyes lit up with excitement as he smiled engagingly at me. As annoying as he could be sometimes, I returned his smile.

I greeted my other friends while trying to dodge as many hugs as I could. If they had missed me as much as Austin pretended, I would not survive their hugs.

Once we had all greeted each other the excitement died down, but only slightly. Derick started telling about his summer vacation which he had mostly spent with Carlos.

"Dude I'm telling you, Carlos slipped and fell into the pool filled with ice cold water screaming like a baby!" Derick said in between laughs while patting Carlos on the back teasingly.

"Shut up dummy!!" berated Carlos smacking Derick's hand off and punching him playfully, intending no harm.

The bell rang and we all went our separate ways heading to class while Austin walked beside me. "So... You and Dawn broke up some time ago right?" Said Austin with curiosity written all over his face.

"Yeah, honestly, I thought things would work out this time but I guess that is what I hoped to believe. I was just lying to myself," I briefly explained to him.

All of it was true but I kind of hated how things ended. Deep down I had hope I could move on with her, not without her.

"I never liked her anyway and if you need someone to talk to, I am the best listener and I am very wise," he said smiling blissfully.
I chuckled, " thanks oh wise one, I will keep it in mind".

We went to our first classes which were uneventful and dull. However, I was looking forward to lunch, I could eat a hippo.

The bell rang after what felt like ten hours. Thrilled, I finally went to my favourite period, lunch. Though my second favourite is Science. Or maybe that was Mathematics, but free period was my forth favourite.

I sat by Carlos whose green forest eyes shimmered as they perfectly reflected the sunshine. His platinum blonde hair was stylishly messy falling on his eyes now and again. He was far different from Derick whom had hazel eyes and short spiked dark hair and a tiny scar below his lower lip which gave off a bad boy aura.

The guys chortled at something Derick said while I had zoned out.
I mindlessly ate my grilled cheese sandwich staring at space as my mind wondered back to my holidays.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter even if it is short. I will update soon and let's say on Fridays and Saturdays. Please vote, follow and comment.



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