#2: First date

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He asks you out on your first date

So you two have texted for a while and you actually really started to like him. Sometimes you went to one of your houses after school to make homework and talk about random stuff, because that's what you do a lot. One day after school, you went to his house to make your homework. As usual he set some music on and get something to drink. You were just on your mobile, looking at pictures on Instagram. Charlie came sit next to you, but he was a bit quite today, so you asked him what's wrong. He said: "Oh..no nothing, I just want to ask you something..". You nodded and then he said: "(Y/N), do you want to go to the movie some time? I mean, only if you want to..". You smiled widely at his question and obviously you said yes.

You and Reece were for the 5th time this week at the starbucks where you met. You both really liked it to just sit there and make fun. Today Reece ordered your drinks. You wanted just your favorite drink, a frappochino. When Reece was gone, you just sat there thinking of how crazy it actually is that you met him just two weeks ago, and your already really good friends. You smiled at this thought. Reece came back with the drinks and you talked just about daily life, until you had to go home. You brought your drink with you to home. When you were at home, you saw Reece wrote something on the side of the cup. "(Y/N), do you want to go out with me?" You smiled at the message and texted Reece that you would love to go out with him.

After that party, you two had seen eachother a few times, so also today. You and James were just walking at the park when you felt James' hand against yours. You looked down and blushed a bit. Now your hands were close to eachother when James stopped walking. You looked shocked at James. "James, why do you stop walking?" You said. James walked closer to you and said: "Actually I wanted to ask you something" You just nodded your head. "(Y/N), I know I just know you a few weeks, but do you want to go on a date with me?" When he said that, he looked down unsure of what you would answer. You looked surprised and smiled. You said: "James, I would love to go on a date with you."

After that night in the club, you and Casey bumpt into each other a lot of times. So also this night. You were just dancing and drinking with Casey, when he asked you if wanted to come outside for a minute. You nodded and walked with him. Once outside, Casey and you walked a bit around the building. Then Casey said: "(Y/N), can I ask you something?" You said: "Yeah, sure Casey, why not?" He chuckled a bit and said: "I like it to dance with you in the club and stuff, but would you like it to go on a date with me sometime? I mean only if you would like it to b-" You cut him off and said: "Casey, I would love it to go on a date with you". When you said that, Casey had a huge smile on his face, that didn't disapear for the hole night.

You, Barclay and the rest of the boys, were having a movienight at James' place. You were sitting next to Barclay and Jake. You were all just talking over random stuff, when you realised you needed popcorn for the film. So you said: "I'm going to get popcorn now" Then you stood up and walked to te kitchen. You grabbed everything you needed and started making the popcorn. When you wanted to go back to the boys, you heard them talking. "You like her, don't you?" James said. Then Barclay said: "Yeah, actually I do..." You chuckled a bit. Then Tom said: "Come on mate, just ask her out for a movie or something." You decided to just walk in on the conversation. So you walked to the boys and sat down next to Barclay. That's when Barclay said: "(Y/N), do you want to go to the movie with me? As like, going on a date?.." You smile widely and said: "Yeah, of course I want that!" When you said that, all the boys cheered and clapped for you.

Chris and you had been seeing eachother multiple times after the concert. You get to know eachother much better, and you really liked that. So you also came to know that he, just like you, really liked Hozier. You were talking about his music, when Chris became silent. You asked: "Chris is something wrong?" He looked up and said: "No, no not at all, I was just thinking" You wanted to say something, but Chris was first. "(Y/N), do you want to go out with me?" You looked suprised and said: "Yeah, I would love to! Where are we going?" Chris chuckled and said: "That, my lady, is a surprise"

After you got your first tattoo, which you really loved, you and Jake had been texting eachother non stop. You were just texting with Jake when he said: "Can you look out of your window?" You frowned at his message, but then looked out of your window. First you saw nothing, but then you saw Jake from behind the tree at the front of your house. You laughed and went outside. You said: "Jake, what are you doing here?" He chuckled and said: "I wanted to ask you something" Before you could say anything, Jake said: "Do you want to go on a date with me?" When Jake said that, you blushed and smiled widely. You said: "I would love that Jake" Jake smiled cheekely and said: "I knew it"

Tom and you had messaged eachother a lot now. Today you were going to meet up for the 4th time. Once in your local cafe, Tom came up to you and ordered some drinks for the both of you. You talked about Youtube, daily life, and more. Also you made the deal that you would do a collab with eachother on both of your channels.
You had talked for a few hours now, when Tom said: "May I ask you something?" You just nodded your head, because you were eating a cookie. "I like it really much to meet up with you every time, and I think you're really great. So would you please go out with me sometime?" When he said that, he looked hopefully to you. You were so surprised, that you almost dropped your jaw. But before that happened, you said: "Woah... Yeah, I mean I would love that" You were still shocked that Tom asked you out on a date.

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