Moving in #3

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Looking for a house

You had already bought some several housemagazines, so you could start looking for a house. You and Charlie had decided that you would buy a new house, so you could start somewhere at a new place on your own. "Okay, are we going to live in the city, or outside the city? I prefer a big house somewhere near the city, so you don't have to travel that much if we have to go there." You smiled at Charlie waiting for a response. "Yeah, I would prefer that to. I like a big house for us, then we have enough space for all of our stuff and if people are coming over." Charlie smiled widely at you, glad you thought the same. You were just casually talking about plans for your future house and the more you talked about it, the more excited you were.

"Reeeceee" You called from the kitchen. "Yes babe, what's wrong?" Reece came running to you and grabbed your waist. "Nothing is wrong" You chuckled. "I just remembered that we can look inside that house in Accrington tomorrow" You blushed at the thought that you will be having your own house soon. "Ah that's nice! Then we can finally decide if that's going to be our palace" He winked at you and kissed your forehead.
You and Reece were looking for a house a long time now, but you thought you finally had found a wonderful house in Accrington. You both think it's perfect for you, as it isn't that far away from the city, so you can traval easily. That was one thing you both wanted for your house, as Reece would travel a lot with the band, and you for your work.

"Oeehh James, I like this!" You whispered to James. You and James where at a meeting for new houses for sale in the neighborhood. The main presentor was just at a dia with a beautiful house on it. It wasn't very expensive and just perfect for the two of you. It wasn't very big, but also not to small. The presentator was very positive about this house and said that it has a big garden and it stands in a lovely neighborhood with all kind of people. You looked at James full of excitement and James looked at you the same way. "I like this to Y/N! I think we should write us in for a look in the house" You nodded in excitement and hugged him thightly. The rest of the meeting you were just dreaming of how perfect this house is gonna be for you.

"So Mr. Johnson, what do you think?" You looked at Casey with your puppy eyes. You knew he couldn't resist that. You and Casey were looking for houses and you just saw the perfect house for you. It was in London, so you wouldn't be far away from the studios. You immediatly liked the house from the beginning and when you were going to look inside the house, you only became more excited. Casey, first wasn't really sure what he should think, bit when you had looked in the house, he was just as excited as you were. So at this moment, you were sit at the table, deciding if you were going to sign the contract for the house. You actually already knew that Casey would say yes, but you wanted to ask him, just to be sure. "Are you really sure this is the perfect house?" You nodded excited and Casey chuckled at the sight of that. "Alright, lets sign it then" You jumped up and hugged Casey so thightly, that you wouldn't let him go.

"Y/N? Do we want a white or a red house?" Barclay asked you. "That depents on the rest of the house, because I like both colors" You said easily. At this moment, you liked every house and wanted to see as many houses as you wanted. "Alright, because on this site you can fill in some must haves and the place you want to live and then he lets see all houses on sale in that category" Barclay showed you proudly the website he just found. "Okay, well which houses are on sale in Brighton?" You asked Barclay, since that was the place you wanted to live. "Ehm, there are many, so lets fill in some must haves" "Okay, big garden, enough space for our car, at least two bedrooms, two bathrooms?" You looked at Barclay waiting for a response. "That was exactly what I thought" You smiled at him, glad that you were on the same line.

"Chris are you sure you want to live in London? Because we could live in Ireland if you want to" You smiled sweet at him. You knew that his family was in Ireland and how much he missed them when he was on tour. "No, no, I would love to live in London! It's a beautiful place with the nicest people and then the studio is close with me, so that's very good as well" Chris walked to you and grabbed your hands. "I would live in the middle of the sea, as long as I'm with you" And with that he kissed your lips softly.

"Babe, come here, we have an email back from the house seller!" Jake called you from the living room. When you heard 'email back' you runned to where he was. You saw him sitting on the couch with his laptop and you sat down next to him. "What does it say?" Jake looked up and smiled widely. "Look for yourself" He turned you the laptop scream and you started reading. The only things you readed where 'congrantulations' 'good luck with your new house' "Omygod Jake! We have the house!" You jumped up and down on the couch from excitement. Jake laughed and kissed you on your lips. "Finally we have our own palace"

"Tom, tom, tom, tom" You were calling Tom out of excitement. You just saw that the house that you both liked for a really long time was now for sale. "Yes babe?" "You know that house on the corner with those gorgeous windows? Just that perfect house" Tom thought for a while and then nodded his head. "Well, it's for sale now!" You told him woth a huge smile on your face. When you told that, you saw the smile on his face grew. "That's so good Y/N! Taht could be our future house!" He looked so excited that you started to laugh. "I am just so excited!" He chuckled at you and grabbed you at your waist. He tilled you in the air and turned around. When he set you down, he kissed you and said: "I'm already loving it"

Thankyou so much for the 2k reads! 😄
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