#16: What he loves about you (mental)

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Charlie: Your confidence
Charlie loves it how confident you are around people you don't know and how you deal with the hate you get sometimes. Because of you being confident around yourself and with the things you do, he loves you even more.

Reece: Your weirdness
When you are with Reece you can completely be yourself. So when you are bored or if you are in the mood, you just turn the music out loud and dance and sing around. You act weird when you are by yourself and Reece loves it. He loves it how you don't act like other girls and how you are different from everyone.

James: Your heart
You have a big heart. You always think of others above yourself. You try do the best for everyone so that everyone is happy. You are friendly to strange people you just met, and even to the once you actually hate. You never let show true how you actually feel about them and just set up a smile and be nice. James loves it how you are great to everyone and how you want everyone to be happy.

Casey: The way you flirt
You and Casey use to flirt hole day long, although you are already a couple. You like it to flirt with Casey in a funny way, and have those flirt conversations. Casey thinks this is so funny and cute at the same time and he really thinks it's adorable. He loves you even more with this.

Barclay: How you act with your friends
When you are with your friends you are really outgoing and you don't mind what the others think, because you know they will do the same. When Barclay is with you and you see your friends somewhere, you just run to them and have a weird conversation you only have with your friends. Barclay completely don't understand what you're talking about, but he loves it.

Chris: Your humor
You and Chris make jokes with eachother all day. You will make fun of each other in a lovely way. When you are in the mood, you love it to prank Chris, so you are laying on the ground from laughing. Chris loves these moments with you and loves your sense of humor, and how you don't take everything to serious.

Jake: Your shyness
You are a bit shy when you are in new situations. You will turn a light shade of red and talk a bit softer then normal. Jake thinks this is to cute and chuckled a bit at your blushing. He loves it how you are shy sometimes and he will comfort you the best he can in those new situations.

Tom: Your sarcasm
You and sarcasm are best friends. You practically use it one a dailybasic. You have those awesome comebacks which nobody expect. Tom is also so sarcastic, so you would have those conversations with awesome comebacks to eachother. Usually you would end up crying from laughing and laying on the floor. Tom loves this about you and he loves how you can make him laugh with your comebacks.

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