Preference #19: You text the wrong person

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You: Baaabbeeee, I miss you to much! I wish I could be in your arms roght now! 😘😘
Barclay: Awh, I know you miss me! I miss you to! But I think you should tell this to Chaz, he misses you like crazy.. 😉
You: Omygod, Barcs, this one was meant for Chaz! Say him I love him and I will call him soon! And yes of course I miss you!

You: I neeeeedd youuu, commmeee cuudlleee with meeeee! 😘
Chris: Where are you? IM COMING
You: Ehm, I'm in my house, and this was actually meant for Reecie xd
Chris: So I don't have to come? :(
You: Of course you can come! Bring some food and films with you please 😊

You: Hey hun, when are you coming? I am already preparing 😉
Tom: wut? Since when would I come to yours?
You: This was meant for James...
Tom: Aaaahh, now I get it... Have fun you two 😉
You: Thanx...

You: Babe, I'm home alone 😏 I want you here 😘
James: Should I bring some films and food? Oh and, I think you should ask Casey to hun 😉
You: Yeahh... This was meant for Casey... But yeah of course you have to bring films and food! Say Casey that he brings my favorite film!
James: Hahaha, I thought so.. I will do that! See you soon!

You: Babe, I wanted to say that it was amazing last night! I enjoyed it😉
Charlie: Gross. This. Is. Gross.
Charlie: Agreed

You: Hey babe, did I left my bra at yours yesterday? Love you 😘
Casey: Ehm.. I don't think so?
You: Omg this is awkward... That was meant for Chris 😖
Casey: Don't mind babe 😘

You: Hey love, I bought some new clothing today 😏
His mom: Hey sweetie! What nice! Did you went shopping with Jake? What did you bought? 😄
You: Heyy, yeah.. I went shopping with Jake, we had lots of fun... I bought some nice...pyjamass :)

You: Hey babe, do you want to bring some tampons in your way to me? I forgot to bring some... Lovee youuu 😘
Jake: I am not going to buy tampons for you?! That's Tom's job
You: wow, okay this is really awkward, but this was meant for Tom...
Jake: Can happen, I will informate Tom 😉

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