Moving in #1

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The age you move in with eachother

Charlie: You are 18 and Charlie is 19
You have a relationship for already 4 years

Reece: You are both 19
You are in a relationship from 2 years

James: You are 20 and James is 21
You are in a relationship from 1,5 years

Casey: You are both 20
You have a relationship from 1 year

Barclay: You are both 21
You have a relationship from 1,5 years

Chris: You are both 23
You have a relationship from 2,5 years

Jake: You are 22 and Jake is 23
You have a relationship from 3 years

Tom: You are 23 and Tom is 24
You have a relationship from 2 years
So I just started the moving in serie. This preference is just some basic information :)
Love, Fleur 💖

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