Preference #18: the Cinema

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You go to the cinema together

"Omygod Charlie, next time we go, we have to go to that movie" You pointed at the poster at the wall in the cinema. You were always so excited as you were in the cinema and Charlie just laughed at you. "Yeah babe, that's totally fine, but we first have to get our tickets for tonight's movie" Charlie chuckled at you. "Yeah, yeah of course, which movie do we go actually?" Charlie raised his eyebrows and said: "That's a surprise" and with that he walked to the cashier and said: "Hey, I have a reservation for two on the name Jones" The cashier smiled at you and typed something on his computer. He looked at you and said: "Twice Cinderella?" Charlie nodded and you became excited and sqeezed his hand. When you walked back you turned to Charlie and said: "How did you know that that is my favourite movie at the moment? I never told you" You looked at him unbelievably. He winked at you and said: "I did some research"

"Babe, do you want popcorn or nachos?" You asked Reece when you were standing in the row for snacks. "I want both of course" He wiggled with his eyebrows cheekly and you laughed a little bit to hard. The people around you stared at you weirdly and you calmed down. "I could have known that" You said with a blush on your cheeks. Now you were on turn and Reece said to te cashier: "Hai, I want a medium popcorn, medium nachos ad do you have something with nutella?" He asked with a serious look on his face. The cashier looked at him an thought for awhile. "No sir, we don't have something with Nutella, I'm sorry" Reece looked slightly disappointed and said: "Well, okey then I'll go with the popcorn and the nachos" He said slightly disappointed. You walked backwards, because you couldn't help but laugh at this. When Reece was done, he came to you and said proudly: "That man gave me this drinks for free, because he felt sorry for not having anything with Nutella" He smiled widely. You laughed at his action and grabbed his hand to go to your seat.

You were sitting in the couch from the cinema, waiting for the movie to start. You were looking on your phone when you saw something you wanted to show James. "Omygod James, this is so cute!" You looked next to you, where James was supposed to sit, but he wasn't there. You looked on the otherside, but still, no James. "James?" You said, but no response. You stood up and looked around you. You couldn't see James, so you started to walk around. "James?" You said multiple times. But you still couldn't find James. You were starting to panic now, because you were already searching for 5 minutes. You looked on your phone, to see if you had a message from him, but nothing. You called him a little bit louder now, but still no reaction. You sat down on a chair and said: "James where are you?" You whispered to yourself. "Babe, I'm here! Why are you here?" You looked up and saw James standing there with popcorn and chocolates. "James where have you been? I was searching for you, because you were once gone" You looked at him. "Babe, I'm so sorry, I wanted to surprise you with some popcorn and chocolates" He looked down guilty. "Awh, it's alright, just say it when you go next time" You took his hand and kissed him softly. Then you grabbed the popcorn and you walked to your seat hand in hand.

You and Casey were just casually talking to eachother, waiting for the movie to begin, when you saw some girl watching Casey. You stared at her, but she keeped watching Casey while he was talking to you. "And then Barclay just jumped on Jake like a monkey and I was laughing so hard! Reece was practically dying" Casey was laughing about his own story and you chuckled a bit. "Case, there is someone looking at you" Casey looked weirdly at you and said: "That's possibly everyday" You laughed and shook your head "No, no, that girl over there is already watching you for like half an hour or so" You grinned a bit. Casey looked at her and smiled. "well, now I smiled at her and now she is happy, so I can focus on you now" You laughed and blushed at his reaction. He looked you in te eyes and kissed your lips softly. "I only want to look at you babe" You blushed and looked down. When you looked at the girl, she was turned around and talking to her neighbour.

Barclay: "Barclay, pick up your phone" You whispered to your phone. You were stuck in the ladiestoilet in the cinema, because you couldn't get your door open. You were already on the toilet for 5 minutes and decided to call Barclay. Barclay picked up the phone. "Hey, babe, where are you? The movie is going to start again" You felt quiet and whispered: "I have a mission for you" He laughed and said: "What's the mission?" "Rescue me from the toilet" He laughed for like half a minute amd them said: "Okay, don't panic, I'll come and get you" And with that he broke the contact. You sighed and started playing with your phone. Then you heard some giggles coming from the womans in the room and you heard a familiar voice saying: "Well hello ladies, I hope you are enjoying your film? I have to do some work here" You had to try your best to hold in your laugh and you heard the girls leaving. "Y/N, in which are you?" You let your shoe under the door and Barclay came walking to you. Barclay pulled on the door and then it opened. He chuckled when he saw you playing games on your phone. You stood up and hugged him. "My hero" And then you walked back to your seat to continue the movie.

"My lady" Chris was opening the door for you so you could step in the car. "Gentleman" You joked at him. Earlyer this day, Chris left you a message on the table saying that you had to be ready at 8. Chris would do a lot of those things, like surprise you with dates and stuff. So when you read that he would pick you up at 8, you started to prepare. You got a shower and blow dried your hair and curled it in loose waves. You putted on your favourite nailpolish, coralpink, and your makeup. You did an extra good job at your makeup, since you wanted to look pretty. When you were done, you walked to your closet, to pick out a high-waisted jeans, a floral crop top, a golden necklace and your black and white sneakers. You pulled it on and grabbed your stuff together. You walked downstairs, grabbed a tosti and waited for Chris to arrive. The doorbell rang and you got up, ready to leave. That's when Chris stood there with his car. You got in the car and Chris rushed to the other side to sit next to you. When he got in you asked: "So, what are we going to do?" He grinned and said: "We are going to the cinema" With that he wiggled his eyebrows on a funny way.

"Babe, I'm soooo tired" You pouted to Jake. You and Jake were currently in the cinema. Jake took you here after a busy day of work. You were super exhausted, so you felt like falling in sleep every moment. "Just stay awake till the film starts, I'm sure you will like it" He smiled at you. You smiled back and sat relaxed in your chair. Your film was about to start, so you moved to your seat and made yourself comfortable. You lay your head on Jake's shoulder and your jacket behind you for extra comfort. The film started and you felt your eyes go heavy.
*skip sleep*
"Y/N, wake up! The movie has ended" You hearded Jake whisper in your ear. "Omygod I'm so sorry I fell asleap" You looked a bit guilty at falling asleep next to Jake. "I don't mind babe, you were really tired" And with that he kissed your forehead and pulled you with him outside.

You and Tom went on a date together. First you had dinner at a beautiful restaurant. You had a lovely pasta and Tom had also a pasta. Now you were going to the cinema, to see Insurgent. Tom went to pick up your tickets and you sat down on a couch. You were just talking casually over the movie you were going to see, when you saw something familiar behind Tom's back. You looked to see what it was and when you saw it, you went pale. "Omygod" You stumbled. "Omyfreakinggod" Tom looked at you with a weird expression on his face. He looked to where you were looking and chuckled. "Babe, it's just Matt Smith" You looked at him hurt. "That is not just Matt Smith. That is THE Matt Smith" On this moment you were fangirling like a real fangirl and red like a tomato. Tom grabbed your hand and got you up to your feet. "Tom what are you doing?" You looked confused. "We are going to say hi to Matt Smith" He chuckled. You looked at him like he was going crazy, but walked with him. "Hey, Matt, haven't seen you in a long time!" Tom started talking to him. You looked confused, because you didn't know they knew eachother. Tom amd Matt started talkinv with eachother. "And who is this pretty girl?" Matt looked at you. "Omygod he called me pretty" You thought by yourself. You were to satisfeid to say something back, so you looked at Tom. "This is my girlfriend, Y/N, she is a huge fan of you" Tom looked at you.

I'm so so so so so sorry I didn't update in like forever! I was on a studietrip to Berlin, so I was quite busy, but still so so so sorry!!
I hope you like this update and if you want a Imagine or One Shot, just sent me a message or comment! 😄
Love, Fleur 💖

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