#13: "Blank Space"

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Songpreference "Blank Space"

Charlie: "Oh my god, who is he? I get drunk on jealousy. But you'll come back each time you leave. Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."
Charlie loved you really much, but he could be extremely jealous. Even when you where talking to your evil ex, he would be jealous and do stupid things to get you disstracted. One time, you left him, because he got in a fight with a guy you were talking to. He thought that that guy was flirting with you, so he punched him in the face. You thought this was sick, so you left him. After a week, you missed him to much, so you talked to him and said that you wanted him back, eventhough he would be extremely jealous.

Reece: "Saw you there and I thought, oh my god. Look at that face, she looks like my next mistake. Love is a game, wanna play."
When Reece saw you for the first time, he thought that you were the hottest girl he had ever seen. Since he has had some girlfriends before, he knew that it could walk on nothing. But he wanted to take the risk and you started of a relationship. When Reece and you were further in the future, Reece knew that he had made the right choice to love you.

James: "Cherry lips, crystal skies, you can show me incredible things. Stolen kisses, pretty lies, you're the queen baby, I'm your king."
You were the world to James. He treated you like you were from glass and he was extremely protective over you. He would do anything to make it comfortable for you and you would feel good. Everyday he would make compliments on how you looked and how pretty you actually were. James wanted you to know how much he loved you to treat you like a queen.

Casey: "Boys only want love if it's torture. Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you. Boys only want love if it's torture. Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you."
Casey always warned you for your previous boyfriends. He would tell you that they only wanted you to say that they scored another chick. You never believed Casey, but he was right all the time. You always came back to Casey, till you realised you loved him and only wanted him as your boyfriend.

Barclay: "Cause we're young and we're reckless. We'll take this way to far and leave you breathless. Or with a nasty scar."
Barclay and you were at first best friends. You always felt something for eachother, but you didn't become a thing, because you didn't wanted to ruin the frienship. While you were friends, you kissed a few times. Just to experiment. But this didn't helped to calm your feelings for him. Finally, when you started a relationship, nobody expected that you would becomea thing. You thought this coukd be in a positive and negative way. Because there were people really happy that you finally hitted it off, but there also were jealous girls who had a crush on Barclay, since he was pretty hot.

Chris: "Find out what you want. Be that girl for a month. But the worst is yet to come."
Chris already liked you for a long time. When you started dating, he said to you that he at least wanted to try havind a relationship with you. He wanted to have a relationship with you for at least a month. If it wouldn't feel right for you, you could quit everytime you wanted. But after a month, you felt in love with Chris. You thanked him to much that he started this deal. After that experiment, you were a couple for a long time and you couldn't stop loving him.

Jake: "I'm dying to see how this one ends. Grab your passport and my hand. I can make a good girl bad for the weekend"
Jake loved you to the moon and back. When he started a relationship with you, he had never thought that he could stay with you for such a long time. Jake and you sometimes went out for the weekend to some hotel in the most random places. You loved doing that, because then you could really be yourself. At home, you were a innocent girl, who would do anything what her was asked for. You got good grades, had a job, and your parents always watched on you. First your parents disagreed on Jake, but after a while they agreed on you going out. With Jake you could be your bad self. In the hotel you messed around with Jake, and did things you would normally never do at home.

Tom: "Screaming, crying, perfect storms, yeah you make all the tables turn. Roses garden filled with thorns. Keep you second guessing likee."
You loved Tom to much to describe, but sometimes you had fights. Your fights were over the stupids things, but it really was a thing. You could be extremely mad and give him the silegnt treatment for days. Tom would do anything to make you less angry, but when you were angry, it lasted more than a few days.

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