Chapter 16: Wonder

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I fell asleep sometime after 10:30. As soon as I closed my eyes I was sucked into the present moment in Winterland.

Inside the castle was Liare,Mother and a younger yet older girl and boy.

"Liare? Have you consulted with Leaf?"

"I have. He has agreed to guide the princess once she is in the woods."

"Splendid. Thomas? The towns' report please." Mother said and the boy answered,

"The town has agreed to stay indoors the night my sister comes home. I really hope she makes it Mother." Thomas. My brother Thomas.

"As do I Thomas. Sandy? Anything to add?" Mother looks to Sandy, my older sister. She shakes her head and says, "No Mother."

"Are you sure?" No concerns, comments, or reports on the wedding?"

"I have only the concern of my sister coming home safely. Other than that, nothing to me is important right now."

"Your wedding doesn't matter to you?" Thomas asked.

"It does. Just not now."

"That's odd." Thomas said. Mother looks at Thomas and asks, "How is that odd?"

"Before, a few weeks ago she wanted nothing to do with her. I've been trying ever since she was born." Thomas says and then adds, "but my telepathy isn't working."

"Sandy?" Mother turns to look at Sandy, who had a tear in her eye.

"Yes, it is true. The only reason for that is because I didn't know she existed."

"How could you not know? Why do you think Mother fingers with her necklace all the time?" Thomas said.

"Nobody ever told me. I'm not tuned to your telepathy and I can't tell the future like Mother. I only got Father's spells."

"What?" Thomas said, completely lost.

"That is my fault dear." Mother says to Sandy.

"Why would you hide something like that from me?" Sandy asked, sad.

"I knew you didn't like it when Thomas came-"

"Hey!" Thomas said, exasperated.

"I just felt that if I told you about Ashley you would be upset like you were with Thomas."

"That hurts Sandy. That really hurts." Thomas was mumbling.

"Thomas. Mother. All I wanted was to have a sister to get along with.

Not some boy that would ruin my tea parties."

"I never ruined no tea party..did I?" Thomas said, thinking.

"No. You did ruin my favorite dress though."

"I said I was sorry. I was 5 for crying out loud."

"I know and I forgave you. Mother, I knew you were bound to have another child. Why didn't you just tell me it was a girl? I would've loved to know."

"I know dear. At the time though I didn't know what the gender was. The plan was that no matter the gender Brad was to take the child to the city and raise it to be a normal child until the age of 16. Unfortunately, your Uncle Bill was going through a time in his life that he had forgotten about his role in Ashley's life. Please understand what I am trying to tell you." Mother said. Sandy looked away from Mother and stared at the door. She nodded to Liare and he opened the door. In the hallway were 2 men. One young the other older. "King Oliver and Prince Brendan of Louisville." Liare announced. Sandy and the younger boy walked towards each other.

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