Chapter 16.

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"Ah.......Gwen, Look......... Look who's here! Look who's actually fucking here!!"
Marcus beamed excitedly and now looking a completely different person than he had done, just a few moments ago!

"How absolutely amazing is this!"
He went on, now extending an arm out towards Alan, emphasising the fact that the movie star was actually standing there.

I stared unbelievably at the sight before me, my mouth dropping open in shocked surprise at seeing Alan just stood there, in our cluttered, pokey little flat beside Marcus like that!
Although, this wasn't actually the first time Alan had been in here, but now knowing the grandeur of his own abode I felt as if he now must think that I was living in some kind of hovel or something.

"I hope you don't mind".    Alan now began to speak softly, "I thought I'd just come up and see...........".

But he didn't get to finish, as I had predicted before, Marcus could be a little bit over the top, when it comes to being in the company of movie stars.
Today was no exception.

"OMG!!!".   He Interrupted,  clasping both his hands suddenly over his mouth,  "He's actually come over to see if you are alright after last night's debacle....... How utterly amazing is that!".

I looked down and smiled to myself.

"Oh Gwen...... Isn't this absolutely wonderful for him to turn up, so out of the blue like this! Wow!!". Marcus went on.

"Isn't it just".   I continued to smile, now looking over at Alan as I spoke.

"Well, don't be mean to him now".  Marcus warned, wagging a finger at me.
" You know what you're like, just remember that! He was your actual Knight in shining armour last night......Weren't you Alan! ". 

Marcus now turned to look at the film star, but Alan Rickman was looking at me, his penetrative eyes staring hard into my own. But I did not turn away as he now spoke:

"I believe that I was".   He said, smoothly.

"Well, your very lucky you've caught her in, coz Gwen was just off out, staying over for a few nights at a friend's house I believe, you know to get her head around things, sort some stuff out and to probably get away from me for a bit no doubt............. Even though I've only just got back".  

Marcus explained very quickly to Alan, who was now eyeing up my flatmate with a certain amount of curiosity.

"I've been away..... You see. Went to Ibiza".   Continued Marcus.
"It was a blast!". 

"Yeah, well its not really my scene".  I muttered almost to myself, "But I'm glad you enjoyed it".

I now looked over towards Alan, hoping that he had heard my distain for places that were hot, loud and full of the types of people whom I presumed Alan would want to avoid like the plague! But he just continued to study hard at Marcus with a distinct little furrow line that by now appeared to be getting deeper with each word that Marcus spoke.

"Oh,  I certainly did Gwen. You really should have come with me you know, you would have loved it! It wasn't  the same without you being there to hold my hand.  I really did miss you loads".

"Yeah, well I had things to do. A job...... As a matter of fact. I couldn't  up and leave just like that! I don't have the same sort of privileges as you have to be able to Swan off at a drop of a hat. Some people have to work for a living you know!".  I spat.

I was almost angry now, knowing full well that Marcus had little intention of ever finding himself a job at all in the near future!
In fact Marcus didn't want a real job at all. He just wanted to act a little bit, in small theatres here and there. He wouldn't want anything  more demanding than that and now after his feud with Hugo, the likelihood of him ever having the opportunity to act again were also now pretty slim. 

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