Chapter 12.

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Here I was, once again.
Waking up in the exact same bedroom I had woken up in, only 24 hours earlier!
And it wasn't my own!
This was a guest bedroom in the house of someone very famous and equally as rich.
The home of someone whom I admired greatly and was even, dare I say it....... In love with.
But things were complicated. This wasn't an easy road I was travelling, mainly due to all the stuff and nonsense that had been swimming around in this daft old stupid head of mine!
This was a strange sort of odd experience I was now going through, but lying here in amongst the comfort of this most luxurious of feather eider down, I now knew that I needed to know the answers to almost everything.

I turned over, fluttering open heavy eyelids and sighing deeply to myself. I had never before felt so warm and comfortable and so totally relaxed within myself as I did right now. This was in stark contrast to how I had felt only yesterday morning!
Yesterday, I had woken up convinced that I had actually spent the night with someone whom I now found to be particularly repulsive. This person who had invaded most of my dreams and far too much of my waking thoughts for quite long enough now.
I felt it was about time that I disallowed this person to invade my head space any longer.
And so this was my resolve.

I had much more important things to fill my head with and this was no lie!
A budding film career and maybe the love of a good and very kind man, to name but two!

I then gave a satisfied smile to myself  as I now remembered vividly how this very good and kind man had come to my rescue whilst  I was being treated to a barrage of unfounded hostility at the hands of my one time flat mate.
Beth was under some sort of strange, misguided illusion that I was in some way still attracted to her boyfriend Ashcroft Jennings. I know that hormones can be all over the place when you're pregnant but this was completely off the scale. In truth I really didn't want anything more to do with him although, it would seem she was not at all satisfied with that. She became quite insistent that I was actually still in love with him.

It had all ended up with Beth throwing  all kinds of weird accusations at me, all of them of course unfounded of course, but  did not prevent however, my best friend Marcus believing the very worst of me.

That had been before Alan appeared on the scene, dressed completely all in black with a smart black shirt, beneath a black jacket and trousers. He looked so dark, mysterious and oh my god so unbelievably handsome, just like a certain potions professor in the Harry Potter films!
He had also looked just as serious too and also very unimpressed with everything that had been going on. To be honest, I wasn't really sure how much of it he had actually heard, but he did not look happy. Not one bit!

Although he looked extremely Severus Snape like in his appearance, he had actually appeared like a glorious Knight in shining armour, as he arrived from out of the darkness, stepped forward and rescued me from the torrent of verbal abuse that I had just been subjected to. 

With very few, but extremely thought out words, he had then escorted me out of Jose's restaurant and into his awaiting BMW in which he had his driver Michael, ready to take us back to his home here in Kensington.

I recall that I kept thanking Alan over and over again for his kindness in rescuing me like he had and also apologising over and over again for standing him up like that!
Alan, though seemed none too bothered about any of it and once back inside his home, had continued to pour  out a very large glass of white wine for me and insisted that I drink it straight away to calm my very fraught and shattered nerves.
He could tell that I was quite angry and also very emotional about everything, but he didn't pry. All he seemed interested in was calming me down.

Sitting with him, in this vast pristine kitchen, I very suddenly began to grow quite excited at the thought that we may, in fact be up until the very early hours of the morning, chatting over all the things we should have been talking about during our so called "date".
Maybe it was the volume of the wine making me think like this or perhaps the manner in which I had been rescued by him, but whatever it was, I was now under no illusions that I was becoming increasingly aware of just how relaxed and happy I was beginning to feel.
I thought that we would now be able to finally discuss properly our feelings for one another and perhaps maybe even, dare I hope to believe....
consummate our love!

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