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In Boston, Massachusetts, there's a lot of things that have happened. Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre—even though it was only 5 deaths—and many, MANY, more.

Now, it seems like history is repeating itself in some sense.

Let's meet our main characters, shall we?

Samuel Adams, cousin of John Adams—who he lives with. He's the kid in school who never studies or pays attention, but always gets good grades.

John Hancock, a friend of John Adams. He's more on the quiet side. He gets good grades, but he's just shy.

Joseph Warren, a friend of both John's and Sam Adams. He's the super smart kid who everyone would think to be the nerd, but it's okay because he's dating the popular jock who's really nice, which brings us to Paul.

Paul Revere, the guy everyone loves. Sam and Paul have been best friends for a long while. They're always getting into some form of trouble, wether they'd like to admit it or not.

Tim Kelly, or Kelly, is also one of Sam's closest friends. They hang out every Friday night with Paul and Joseph.

Thomas Gage, or Gage, football guy, rude, asshat, no one likes him.

John Pitcairn, or Pitcairn, soccer guy, friends with Gage, doesn't actually like him, he's pretty chill for the most part.

Now, there are more but let's get into the story, you'll meet them along the way...


"August 24th, the first day of school is tomorrow. Are you boys excited?" John A's mother asks him and Sam.

"I could be more excited, but this summer sucked." said Sam, "It rained pretty much everyday." He continued poking his spoon into his empty cereal bowl.

"True, but I, for one, am ready to get back." John A answers his mother, putting his bowl in the sink.

"Sam, why can't you be more like John? Be happy! You get to see all your friends, lacros-" Sam cut her off.

"I'm—I'm not doing—lacrosse this year." Sam says, getting up from his seat.

"Why not? I thought you liked it?" She says, trying to make sense of the situation.

"I did, I've just lost interest in it." Sam answers, putting his bowl in the sink and walking to his room.

John's mother looks at him and crosses her arms. John's kinda making the 😐😗 face.

"I had nothing to do with that before you ask."


Sam walks up to his room, kicking his shoes off and lying on his bed.

He hears a knock at his door, "Sam isn't in here."

"It's me," said his cousin, opening the door.

"I said I wasn't in here." Sam pleads.

"Mom wanted to make sure you have everything ready for tomorrow. I also wanted to talk to you.." he says, sitting at the foot of his bed, "Sam, you've not been acting yourself lately. What's going on?"

Sam covers his face with his arm, "go away."

John sighs, getting up, "I'll tell her you do. G'night."


The next morning, Sam woke up and put on his jeans and a white t-shirt, along with his white, worn converses.

He grabbed his phone and bag and walked downstairs.

"There you are! Hurry up!" John yells, grabbing his car keys.

Sam grabs an apple and walks out of the door behind John, texting Paul about something.


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