Day 2 (Pt3)

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Hancock, Sam, John, Paul, and Joseph all made their way to Joseph's place after school. Warren's mom was one of those super chill parents who just didn't care as long as you didn't burn the house down or get killed, so he had people over a lot, and he was the one who threw the parties.

"Alright, some of the transfer students are gonna come hang out with us. Some dude named Thomas, another John, and this girl Margaret." Joseph says, walking down the stairs that lead to the basement, where the rest of his group was. "John, Adams, you should invite Abby." Joseph says in a teasing manor.

"No, I shouldn't. I don't want to be a bother." John says.

Sam pushes Hancock playfully, "Dude, we've been here for two hours and you haven't said nearly a word, what's up?"

Hancock just shrugged, he was comfortable with John and Joseph, but he hadn't really spent time with Paul or Sam. Kinda. There have been times he'd be over at the Adams house with John and Warren and Paul would be over there with Sam but he never really got to know either of them. "I don't really have anything to say."

The five teens look up as they hear the door to the basement open, in walking Laurens, Hamilton, Burr, Mulligan, Lafayette, Madison, and Jefferson. Along with Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy, of course. The whole ass other main friend group of the entire school.

"You made it!" Joseph says to the other teens, laughing, knowing some of them hated each other.

A few more minutes passed and in walks the other group. Gage, Pitcairn, Margaret, and someone none of them expected, Abby. Apparently Margaret invited her to come along.

The teens watched a couple movies, laughed, talked shit, but now was the fun part of the night. The most stereotypical high school movie party game, spin the bottle.

"Haha, now we're talking. Who hasn't played?" Paul asks, looking around at the large group of high schoolers, of which only one spoke up.

"I-I've never—I've never played." Hancock admits. If he was gonna be entirely honest, this is the only party he'd ever been to, if you'd call it that. A couple people could be heard laughing but Hancock tried to block it out.

"Alex, care to demonstrate?" Sam asks.

Alexander chuckles, grabbing the bottle as the group forms a sort of circle around the bottle as Alex placed it. He gives it a quick spin. The teens wait for the bottle to stop spinning until it lands on Lafayette. Alex laughs, "Are you wearing socks?"

"Yes, of course." Lafayette says, showing him his socks, "No homo, my brother."

"No homo." Alex says, leaning down and pecking Lafayette on the lips before sitting down, the group laughing...except Hancock, who sat there in confusion.

"I don't get it."

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