Saturday (Pt2)

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Hancock still didn't sleep, so he was up and in the kitchen before his uncle, who was confused as to why he'd be up so early on a weekend.

"Why're you up? It's a Saturday." His Uncle asked, sitting on an island stool.

"I forgot to turn my alarm off." Hancock answered, lying right through his teeth, but his Uncle didn't notice.

Hancock made himself some breakfast. Nothing too fancy, just some toast. His Uncle left for work and Hancock went back up to his room. He sat in his bay window, looking out over his suburban neighborhood, the dark sky barely shining any light on the poor city. He sighed, remembering the events of last night as he looked at the floor. The empty altoid mint box he had kept the blade in was opened and sitting in the middle of the floor. It was right then he remembered Sam, how he saved John from doing something he'd surely regret without even knowing what he was doing.

Hancock's phone buzzes. He picks it up, checking the time, 5:14 A.M. A text from Sam.

Hey, you might be asleep, but if not, you up for the Café?

Sure, let me get ready.

K, I can pick you up if you want me to

Sure, thanks.


Hancock sat his phone back down, walking over to his closet, grabbing an old marching band shirt and a grey cardigan, along with a pair of jeans and his Vans.

"Wow," Hancock said to himself, looking in the mirror, "I look gay. Or like a white mom...oh god."

Hancock shook his thoughts away, grabbing his phone, charger, and airpods as he walked out the door. He made his way down the street, the misty air colliding perfectly with his face as he grinned. If you were to go back in time and tell him he'd been invited by Sam Adams to hang out, he would never have believed you, hell, he hardly believes it now. Sam didn't live but a couple of blocks away, so the journey was pretty short. He walked up the driveway and to the front door of the house. He was about to knock when someone opened the door, it was Sam.

"I was about to come pick you up, what're you doing here?" Sam asks, stabilizing the teen he'd almost knocked down when he opened the door.

"Sorry, I was already up. And it's nice out." John said, shrugging his shoulders.

Sam nodded, it was really nice out, for it being late August. Him and John hopped in the car, buckling up. They were about halfway to the Café when Sam spoke up, "so uhm...last night, you s-" John cut him off.

"I don't want to talk about last night right now...please." John said, a cold tone creeping out with his voice.

Sam apologized, pulling into the parking lot and parking the car. He got out and went around the car, waiting for John to get out. The two walked into the Café and ordered before sitting down in one of the booths.

"God, it always smells so good in here." Sam said, looking up at the ceiling.

John looked confused but agreed with him, "what're you looking at?" He asked.

"I have no idea." Sam said, looking back down.

There was somewhat of an awkward silence that was broke when the girl at the counter called John's order. John got up and walked over, giving Sam a chance to text Warren.

Dude, okay, SO. I'm at the Café with Hancock rn and the silence is so awkward plz help😇


No, and you're not helping. Please just tell me what I can do. What's he into?


No shit, I mean like what's his favorite TV show or smth, I just wanna make conversation🧍🏻‍♂️

He likes Brooklyn Nine-Nine, you watched that, right?

Yeah, I love that show

Then talk abt it, dumbass 😪💅

Fine, dumbass 😪💅


John sat back down with their drinks.

"Thanks. Hey, I know this is really random, but have you ever watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine? It's hilarious." Sam asked, taking a sip from his coffee.

John nodded, "I watch it a lot, it is funny." He said, smiling.

They sat there in silence for a bit again.

"I'm sorry, is this weird? It feels so awkward just sitting here saying nothing." Sam asks, feeling almost sorry.

"Kinda, do you wanna go somewhere else? We could walk around the park? Ooh! I know this really nice walking trail that looks over the river at one point. It's super pretty, especially this time of year." John says, taken back that he said that much out loud, again.

'You're pretty, godammit.' Thought Sam, smiling, "Sure," he said, "sounds great."


They made it to the walking trail. Sam was telling some funny stories about his cousin and a few about Warren. John was laughing and it made Sam happy.

They were almost to the giant flat rock that over looked the small ravine in which the large river resided. This point in the trail was narrow, and the only railing was a rope tied from post to post, and it was only about 2 feet off the ground. It had rained a couple days previous to this, so the ground was still somewhat slippery, and boy, did they find that out the one way you do NOT want to find out something is slippery.

John was chuckling to something Sam said while looking at him when his foot slipped, causing him to almost fall down if it wasn't for Sam, who caught him before he fell down the steep, tree infested hillside.

Sam had grabbed his arm, pulling him back up and into a hug of sorts. He had his arms wrapped around John, holding him tight as John was shaking. "Hey, it's okay, I got ya'.." Sam said, rubbing John's back in an attempt to comfort him. "Look at me, we're almost there, I want you to walk on this side of me, 'Kay? You can hold my hand if you want to, just be careful."

John didn't say anything, but didn't hesitate to hold onto Sams hand. He moved to the other side of Sam, which was a steep rock wall. Sam caressed John's hand with his thumb while they were walking. "I guess that reflex test we did in 8th grade payed off, huh?" John says, squeezing Sams hand a little.

Sam chuckles, "I guess so, yeah."

The two continued walking until they got to the rock. They sat down, talking and laughing for a good 30 minutes.

'Everything is perfect." Thought Sam as he leaned back, "wow.."

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