Day 2 (Pt4)

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Hancock realized it was getting pretty late as he looked at the time on his phone. But he hadn't gotten a text from his Uncle asking when he'd be home, so he didn't bother texting him first.

"Here, let me demonstrate a bit more thoroughly or whatever. Okay, so I'm gonna spin the bottle, right?" Sam asks Hancock, who looked up from his phone pretty quick. Hancock nods his head as Sam spins the empty bottle, "Okay, so after it stops, who ever it lands on, I'd have to kiss. Simple as that." As the bottle slows down, Sam sits back down next to his cousin.

There's a silence...which is quickly broken by a loud snicker from Paul. Everyone was kind of confused until they looked at the bottle, which had landed on Hancock. Sam shot an angry look at Paul, who was the only one Sam had actually told about his crush on John. Paul straightened his face and looked away from the angry looking Samuel. Sam stands up and cracks his knuckles as he steps over to Hancock, who was still trying to process the entire situation.

"Wait, what's going on? I'm lost." Hancock admits, somewhat lying. Mostly because he had never kissed anyone, let alone a guy. "Wait so you have to kiss me?"

"It's either that or I have to run around the house backwards 10 times as fast as I can, so yeah. I think I'm gonna stick with kissing you." Sam says, making a sort of 'are you dumb?' face.

"Wait, John, you've never kissed anyone, have you?" Warren asks, snuggling into Paul a little bit. Hancock shakes his head, looking away. "Well Sam, don't ruin it for him."

Sam throws an empty soda can at Warren, who just laughs. Sam sits by Hancock, leaning in, whispering something, which John made out to say something along the lines of 'I'm sorry about this', before landing a kiss upon John's lips.

That single moment felt like it lasted an eternity for Hancock, who honestly wished it had. As Sam pulled away, John felt kinda weird. His head felt a little light and his hands were shaking.

Sam stood up after pulling away from what he believed to be a now traumatized kid. He walks off after telling the group he needs to use the bathroom. Sam walks to the bathroom and sits in the floor against the bathtub, his head in his hands, trying not to have a gay panic. How could he not after having kissed his crush of almost two years?! He didn't really know why he felt this way though, he hardly knew the kid. Sam whips his phone out of his pocket, frantically trying to unlock it. He quickly texts Paul.

dude i think i'm having a fucking panic attack😝😝

Why, you ok?

i just kissed the guy i like without it meaning anything, what do you think

Damn, that's tough. you ok tho?

No I actually think I'm having a panic attack

Oh shit. Be right there ig

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