Day 1

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When Sam got to school, the first thing he did was sigh. He really hated this place. He didn't like it at 'home' either. He just wanted to hurry up and graduate so he could leave and go off to college. As much as he hates to admit it, he's been struggling with trying to determine his sexuality. He never really understood what it was supposed to be. But, the way he was raised was heteronormative, meaning his legal guardians raised him to believe men should only love women and women should only like men. But Sam didn't want that. He always thought it was messed up to try and program a child like that. Even though his two best friends were openly gay, he was scared. He knew he wasn't gay, but he was for sure he wasn't straight, I mean, who wouldn't be after watching Smokey and the Bandit?

Sam had also been thinking a lot about his cousins friend, John, who would come over to their house a lot. Sam always thought he was weird, he never knew why. He was just the scrawny quiet kid who had no friends. But, Sam did have to admit to himself that he was kinda hot.

Sam walked into the school building.

Freshmen trying to find their classes, sophomores making fun of freshmen. The usual first day of school at any highschool.

And then, of course, there were the troupes. That's what everyone in the school called them at least.

The troupes were basically the stereotypically separated groups that every highschool movie had.

You had the popular girls who were mostly cheerleaders, the jocks, the nerds, the emo kids, the theater kids, the band kids, the choir kids, and the kids who fell under none of those categories were the 'outcasts'. And since Sam quit lacrosse, that now means he would be considered an outcast—well, not until the season started.

He saw Paul and Joseph, but decided to just go to class.

He walked through the crowded hallways of new students and old students and worn out teachers until he made it to his English class. He plopped his bag down beside a desk and sat down. Sam watched the clock for a good 6 minutes as students filed into the class. He noticed the class was pretty much full, accept for the seat next to him. He sighed.

'It's just another school day,' he thought to himself, 'I can make it.'

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