Day 2 (Pt2)

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As much as Sam hated to admit it, as he does most things, him and Hancock were starting to get along. Him and John were sitting in a booth during lunch, laughing about something stupid.

"You cannot be serious, there is no way your cousin would do that!" Hancock whisper yelled at Sam, who was containing the majority of his laughter.

"Yes, yes he did. He like—he-he- tripped over a log or something. My Uncle told him to be careful, but surprisingly, he didn't listen. But when we got down to the creek and started fishing, he fell into the creek and flipped the fuck out when he saw the little baby fish. He got up like super fast and bumped into me, and giving that we were both 8 or 9, I pushed him. Now, I didn't know he was gonna fall into the creek again-" Sam stopped his story, and looked at Hancock, who had a cute little smile on his face. Sam's face got warm as he gave Hancock a smile.

"That is...that sounds like a good time, Samuel." John says, noticing Sam's face a little red, but dismissing it.

"Sam, please. Only Kelly calls me Samuel." Sam says, chuckling.

"Tim Kelly? Ugh." John says, rolling his eyes.

"You have something against him?" Sam asked getting kinda defensive.

"He's so rude. He's called me a multitude of unkind things." John said, looking up at Sam, who looked mad.

"Wait- Tim A. Kelly or Tim H. Kelly? Tim A. Kelly is a dick." Sam asked, John looking really confused, "Does he have a scar on the side of his face?"

"Oh, no. That Kelly is nice. At least I think he is, I've never talked to him. I'm guessing Tim A. Kelly is the rude one." John says, scratching the back of his neck.

They talked the majority of lunch, neither of them eating.


After school, Sam, Paul, and Warren were all talking outside of the school.

"Dude, chill, it was a joke. We know you don't like Hancock like that." Joseph said. He ruffled Sam's long hair, chuckling. He sees Hancock walking out of the school, so he decided to call him over.

"Hey, Hancock!" Warren yelled, getting a dirty look from Sam.

John noticed Sam's dirty look but decided to go over there anyways. Although, now he thinks Sam being nice to him was just a joke to make him feel like someone cared about him.

"You know Sam, right?" Joseph asks, grinning.

John nods.

"Hey, John should come hang out with us tonight." Paul suggests, "He looks like he needs to loosen up.

Sam shoots sneer at Paul, who just laughs.

"What d'you say, eh John?" Paul asks.

"I don't see why not, I guess."

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