Monday Blues

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After school ended, John A., Warren, and Paul were all standing outside the school.

"Has anyone seen Sam? He isn't answering his phone." Said Hancock, walking up to the group.

They group looked at Hancock, then each other.

"He probably went to the cemetery." Warren said, scratching the back of his neck.


"Yall talkin shit?" Says Sam, sneaking up on the group.

"Fucking hell, Sam. Go fuck a rock." Paul shoved him.

Hancock chuckled, feeling a hand rest on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Sam's hand on his shoulder.

"Oooh, guys, stop flirting, we're in public." Warren says, gesturing to Sam's hand on John's shoulder.

"You're so funny, asshat." Sam said, letting go of John's shoulder. He walked over to Paul and whispered something in his ear.

"Alright, man. Take care, okay?" Paul nods at Sam as he walks away.

"What was that about?" Warren asks.

"He is going to the cemetery." Paul whispered.

John frowned, not being able to remember the last time he visited his parents.


At the cemetery, Sam sat on a stone bench beneath a willow tree where his parents were laid to rest. The moment he sat down, the tears began streaming down his face. He covered his mouth to muffle his sobs as his heart ached and hands began to shake. He missed them. The more Sam cried, the more he felt like he was going to throw up. He hated crying as anyone should, but as often as he does, it's so much worse in a graveyard. He hunched over, his tears fell to the ground, turning the dirt below him a darker shade of brown. On top of all his feelings, his love for Hancock, his fear of anyone besides Paul knowing he likes dudes, the reminder that his parents were dead was almost too much for him. His ribs hurt from his near hyperventilating as he cried. He would usually come here at night when it was less likely to have people in it but he didn't want to wait. Sam couldn't take it anymore as he began mumbling stuff about being sorry. He was sorry he felt this way about men, he was sorry he liked someone, he was sorry about everything. But he wasn't sorry about anything really. He was angry. Angry to live in a world in which he felt held no place for him. In a world that didn't want him to be happy, to be himself.

Sam stayed at the cemetery, crying, for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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