Saturday (Pt3)

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The two stayed there for a while. John was in the middle of telling a story when he took off his (gay) cardigan, exposing his scars he seemed to forgot existed. He continued talking as Sam's eyes wondered over to John, then down to his arms. Sam felt a shiver go down his spine, he really couldn't believe John felt comfortable showing them around him.

"But yeah, that's why I don't see that doctor anymore." John said, chuckling. Sam laughed, looking back up at his face. Sam stood up, stretching his back.

"You wanna head on back? My- back hurts." Sam says, cracking his knuckles. He holds his hand out in front of John, who seems confused. "Dude, have you ever been out before?" Sam asks, "Take my hand, let me help you up." Sam chuckles.

John's face flushed of embarrassment, the same way it used to in middle school when he'd get made fun of for God knows what. Hell, he still does. He takes Sam's hand, pulling him up to his feet. John stumbles a little, but stabilized himself before Sam had a chance to.

"Are you blushing?" Sam asked in a teasing manner. John shook his head.

"I-it's the middle of summer, it's hot out." He says, looking away.

The rest of the day they pretty much just sat around the park. Sam had gone off to use the bathroom when John noticed a man, sitting not too far away from him who he had sworn was at the Café too. John got kinda creeped out, so he got up and started walking over to the bathrooms. He started walking a little faster when the man got up and started following him. He wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into Sam. 'Thank God.' He thought, "Sam thank God. There's u-uh a man following me." He says, trying to make a not creeped out face.

Sam's protective instincts kicked in immediately, "Where?" He asked forcefully.

"I'm guessing somewhere behind me, he was wearing uh-uh an orange polo type shirt and blue jeans." John says, Sam looking around secretly. Sam slipped his arm around John's waist. "Wh-what're you doing?" John asks in surprise.

"Sh, just go with it. Uhm I'm gonna try something that worked once- please do be weirded out- I need you to kiss me." Sam says, recalling an event that had happened to one of his friends a while back.

"Excuse me?" John asked.

"Please, just trust me. Just like- make it look like you caught me by surprise or something-"Sam says, seeing the man, "I see him, please John."

John looked away for a second before popping up, catching Sam's lips in a kiss. God, it felt amazing. John felt at ease for some reason, more at ease than he's probably ever felt. He felt like he didn't have to hide. Sam actually was caught by surprise so he didn't have to fake it. He returned the favor by kissing back. Sam really didn't want it to end but he had to make sure that guy was gone. He pulled away and looked, but didn't see the guy. It was a good thing...but god, Sam wanted nothing more than to kiss him again.

John felt a little scared that he probably was at risk of being kidnapped if he wasn't looking where he was going. If he wasn't, he'd never have bumped into Sam.

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