Frick mondays

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Sam put his phone into his pocket after he'd read Paul's text. He got up and walked to the bathroom, worried that what he might find isn't going to be good.

He got to the bathroom and walked in, seeing Hancock sat up against the wall with a bloody nose and his knees pulled up to his chest. Paul was standing next to him, probably waiting for Sam to show up.

Sam ran over, grabbing Paul's collar and shoving him against the wall. "You could've stopped them, asshole." He said angrily. Sam was about to hit Paul, but he didn't. John had grabbed his hand.

"He scared them off. Chill out." Said John, shoving Sam.

Sam dropped Paul, who still hadn't said anything. "Sorry.." Sam said.

"It wasn't even that bad, and why should you care in the first place? You don't know me." Delivered John in an angry manner.

"Paul go." Sam says, Paul not hesitating to run out. "Who the hell did you trust enough to say something about your self harm, huh? Me. How many other people know?"

John hesitated. "one"

"Exactly. I do care about you, John. I was willing to talk to you for as long as I could that night because I didn't want you to hurt yourself. So yeah, if that doesn't show I care about you then I don't know what will." Sam said, John stepping back a bit.

"sorry" John says in a cracking voice as his eyes start slowly filling up with tears.

"No. I-...I shouldn't have flipped out on you. I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I still don't see why you care about me so much. You only started talking to me like 4 days ago."

"Well-...I-It's really nothing. But I was rude in the past, and I apologize. And besides, you're pretty cool."

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